- Dr. Harvey: Jonathan, I have a very pleasant surprise for you!
- Jonathan Reynolds: How long will you be gone?
- [two tycoons leave Anne a paltry tip]
- Anne Terry: This must be a new five-dollar coin they're putting out... it looks like the same old dime to me.
- [Doctor Harvey disposes of Jonathan Sr.'s forbidden cigar]
- Jonathan Reynolds: Hey, that's a two-dollar cigar!
- Dr. Harvey: Where'd you get it?
- Anne Terry: Don't look at me - I smoke a pipe.
- [Jonny drags Anne off the train to pose as his fiancee again, leaving her friends open-mouthed]
- Jonathan Reynolds Jr.: Come on, I'll give you another fifty dollars!
- Jenny: Well, what do you know!
- Jackie Donovan: Don't worry, Jenny, it's platonic. He wants her for his father.
- Jonathan Reynolds: Has Doctor Harvey hidden my cigars?
- Roberts: Yes, sir.
- Jonathan Reynolds: Have you hidden my cigars from Doctor Harvey?
- Roberts: Yes, sir.
- [first lines]
- Newspaper Editor: Ain't it pretty!
- [shows staff the newspaper's front page mock-up with screamer headline "JONATHAN REYNOLDS DEAD"]
- [examing old newspaper photographs of Jonathan Reynolds Sr]
- First assistant editor: Well, his inheritance tax ought to make the country even.
- Second assistant editor: He was born too late. Two hundred years ago, he would have been a pirate - Captain Kidd, himself!
- Third assistant editor: Look at that stomach. I saw him at a banquet once. He didn't order a steak - he ordered a cow!
- [praying]
- Newspaper Editor: As long as he has to go, please let him go no later than 9:20 - that dirty Herald has been getting all the breaks.
- [phone rings]
- Newspaper Editor: Yeah? What do you mean he isn't dead yet? Frank, I gotta have some action!
- [to his dying father]
- Jonathan Reynolds Jr.: Oh, say, the fishing in Mexico - there's nothing like it. It's not really fishing... it's kind of big game hunting. They have fish with teeth and horns - a throwback to the buffalo. You go out in a boat and the fish charge at you. You just got to catch 'em in self-defense. You and I and two machine guns are going down there next month.
- Jackie Donovan: I was just telling you about the fellow I used to go with. Turns out he was fickle - he married his fiancee.
- Jonathan Reynolds Jr.: Oh, I think you have a nice room. It's... different.
- Anne Terry: Uh-huh. On a clear day you can see all the way across it.
- [Jonny tries to convince his father that Anne hates him]
- Jonathan Reynolds: What did she call me?
- Jonathan Reynolds Jr.: A pompous, self-indulgent, overbearing imitation of a dictator.
- [Jonny angrily chases Anne around his living room]
- Anne Terry: Going around pinching people at your age.
- Jonathan Reynolds Jr.: When I get three seconds older, I'm going to start punching people.
- [Jonny is still chasing Anne around his living room]
- Jonathan Reynolds Jr.: If you hear something snap, don't turn around - it'll be your neck.
- [a waiter brings Jonathan Sr. an enormous, fruit-fillled cocktail]
- Anne Terry: What's that?
- Jonathan Reynolds: It's a Reynolds Special.
- Anne Terry: Oh, but you shouldn't be... what's in it?
- Jonathan Reynolds: Oh, oh, nothing but, ah, coconut milk and, ah, vegetable juices. Doctor Harvey orders it for me. It's horrible.
- Anne Terry: Then why do you drink it.
- Jonathan Reynolds: It reminds me of Doctor Harvey and makes me hate him and when I hate him, I feel good.
- [Jonny drags Anne off the train yet again]
- Railway Porter: Lady, the next time you ain't goin' no place, why don't you try a plane!
- Anne Terry: You told me you'd have that picture destroyed!
- Jonathan Reynolds: Destroyed? If I'd done that, they'd never have seen it.
- Jonathan Reynolds Jr.: They?
- Jonathan Reynolds: Those women... those bead-twirlers. They called before they left.
- Jonathan Reynolds Jr.: They're gone! I mean... they've gone?
- Jonathan Reynolds: Well, they saw the picture in the paper. They said they were taking the first train to Mexico City. I advised them to take a plane - *quicker*.
- [last lines]
- Jonathan Reynolds Jr.: All right, I'm sorry I pinched you.
- Anne Terry: Honest?
- Jonathan Reynolds Jr.: Mm-hmm.
- Anne Terry: You'll never do it again?
- Jonathan Reynolds Jr.: Never.
- Anne Terry: Promise?
- Jonathan Reynolds Jr.: Mm-hmm.
- [Jonny leans forward as if to kiss Anne]
- Anne Terry: JONNY!
- Jonathan Reynolds: [to Anne Terry] What was it you called me? Pompous, self-indulgent?
- Jonathan Reynolds Jr.: [Looking smugly at Anne] Imitation of a dictator.
- Jonathan Reynolds: It's true. It's me all over. And you'd do well to correct those faults in yourself, me boy.
- Jackie Donovan: I just figured out why drug stores have lunch counters. They lose lots of money on food, but they make a big profit on bicarbonate of soda.
- Jonathan Reynolds: I like a girl with spirit. To tell you the truth, I thought you were a little, uh, wishy-washy.
- Dr. Harvey: It is my firm conviction Mrs. Pennington is a medical freak. I was watching her, and no normal person can talk as long as she does without taking a breath. For a second there I thought you weren't going to calm them down. You were almost an ex-fiancé.
- Jonathan Reynolds Jr.: Yeah, it was pretty close.
- Anne Terry: They haven't been able to prove definitely that people inherit traits from their parents. They have with horses.
- Jonathan Reynolds Jr.: Yes, I know about the horses.
- Jonathan Reynolds Jr.: I bring you here by accident and my father likes you so much, that we can't tell him the truth.
- Anne Terry: Oh, he'd have liked anybody you brought.
- Jonathan Reynolds Jr.: Oh, no, he wouldn't. You should have seen the looks he gave some I brought home.
- Anne Terry: Did, did you bring home a great many?
- Anne Terry: I mean, just as friends, you know.
- Jonathan Reynolds Jr.: [With Dr. Harvey, walking in on Jonathan in the kitchen] How do you feel, Dad?
- Jonathan Reynolds: How do I know? Ask him.
- Newspaper Editor: Frank, I'm warning you. If Reynolds isn't dead within a half hour, don't come back here.
- Frank - Reporter: Go ahead, threaten me. I got pneumonia.
- Jenny: Well, what do ya know?
- Jackie Donovan: Don't worry, Jenny. It's platonic. He wants her for his father.
- Jenny: His fa... wha...
- Hospital Nurse: Now, now, now. You just lie back and rest, and in a minute you're going to have a bowl of nice, warm toastie.
- Jonathan Reynolds: I want some nice, hot steakie.