Walter Hudd credited as playing...
Stephen Undershaft
- Andrew Underschaft: [to son, Stephen] Well, is there anything you know or care for?
- Stephen Underschaft: I know the difference between right and wrong.
- Andrew Underschaft: You don't say so! What? No capacity for business? No knowledge of law? No sympathy with art? No pretention to philosophy? Only a simple knowledge of the secret that has baffled all the lawyers, muddled all the men of business, and ruined most of the artists - secret of right and wrong. Why man, you're a genius. A master of masters. A god. And at 28, too.
- Stephen Underschaft: I'm sorry sir that you force me to forget the respect due to you as my father. I'm an Englishman, I will not hear the government of my country insulted!
- Andrew Underschaft: The government of your country! I am the government of your country! I and Lazarus. Do you suppose that you and half a dozen amateurs like you, sitting in a row in that foolish gavel shop, can govern a country like England? Be off with you my boy, and play with your historic parties, and leading articles, and burning questions, and the rest of your toys. And in return, you shall have the support and applause of my newspapers, and the delight of imagining that you're a great statesman.