Paul Stewart credited as playing...
Lou Donelli
- Lou Donelli: [threatening to dump Gargen's corpse in the laundry] I been thinking' about this boiler gag a long time - you gonna be the cleanest stiff in town.
- Charlie Thompson: My friend here needs a little cash, Mr Donelli.
- Lou Donelli: Do you work at the plant?
- Joe Gargen: Yeah - I work at the plant.
- Lou Donelli: Ok, we might arrange a loan.
- Lou Donelli: How much do you want?
- Joe Gargen: Oh, fifty'll do.
- Lou Donelli: Five dollars a week interest until you've paid up.
- Joe Gargen, Charlie Thompson, Lou Donelli: If it takes me 10 weeks to pay off, i'm being clipped 50 bucks interest on a 50 dollar loan!
- Lou Donelli: And if it takes a year, you're paying $260 interest - do you want it?
- Joe Gargen: 260? That's 500%. That's kind of high isn't it?
- Lou Donelli: Go try a bank.