Jennifer Jones credited as playing...
Ruby Gentry
- Ruby Gentry: You can get a job, and I can work. We don't need the McAuliffe's money!
- Boake Tackman: Ruby, I'm not talking about earning a living. For a hundred years the Tackmans have been sliding downhill. Ever since the tide swallowed our plantation, not one of them lifted a finger to do anything about it. Sittin' out their lives on verandas, soppin' up bourbon whiskey. Like my dad. I'm not gonna' end up like him. I'm gonna' do things that'll shake this whole town awake. Shake the whole Tidewater. Things I can be proud of.
- Jewel Corey: You're plowin' iniquity, and you're sowin' wickedness... There'll be a reckoning. Whatsoever you sow, that shall you also reap.
- Ruby Gentry: Well, so far I reap nothin' but pleasure. Go to your meetin' and tell 'em that!
- Jewel Corey: Evil... Evil spawned of the devil.
- Ruby Gentry: And tell 'em this is just the beginning.
- Jewel Corey: You've sown the wind, and you'll reap the whirlwind!
- [walks out]
- Jim Gentry: [Mr. Fallgren and Mr. Biffle arrive at Jim's office, unaware that he has recently married Ruby] Gentlemen, I want you to meet Mrs. Gentry.
- Neil Fallgren: [turning to Mrs. Gentry and looking a bit stunned] Ruby?
- Jim Gentry: Ruby and I were married last Thursday in New York.
- Neil Fallgren: Well, congratulations, Jim. I mean it.
- Jim Gentry: I'm sure you do.
- Shug Biffle: Yeah, it's not good for a man to live alone.
- Neil Fallgren: I'll run it front page tonight, if you say so, Jim.
- Jim Gentry: That's why I called you over.
- Neil Fallgren: Any, uh, sort of statement you want to make?
- Jim Gentry: You can say we're both very happy, and we're glad to be home.
- Shug Biffle: And we can sure say the bride's a beauty. Let me tell you, Ru... Mrs. Gentry. You look like a million dollars.
- Jim Gentry: Heh heh, I've seen a million dollars, and believe me: Ruby looks a whole lot better.
- Neil Fallgren: [both men chuckle awkwardly] Well, I better hop back to my office, before they run off the papers.
- Shug Biffle: Yeah, I'll run along too.
- Jim Gentry: Oh, one more item: You might want to say we're going to give a party real soon. End of next week. So that all my friends can meet Mrs. Gentry.
- Ruby Gentry: [graciously] You two gentlemen are invited... and your wives.
- Neil Fallgren: Well, that's nice of you. Right, Shug?
- Shug Biffle: [awkwardly] Very nice. Thank you very much, Mrs. Gentry, we'll sure be there.
- Neil Fallgren: Couldn't keep us away.
- [they close the door and leave; Jim and Ruby have a good laugh]