In the scene when Eve laughs at how much money she's about to take Freddie for, an abrupt cut shows her sullen for about 10 seconds before she starts to laugh again.
Jeff feeds the baby, who sits in a highchair. He leaves the bowl of food on the chair's table when he goes to see Annabel, who just came home. When he goes back to attend to the baby, he picks up the bowl from the kitchen table.
The letter informing Willie that he has been drafted into the Army refers to the "Asiatic-Pacific Theater". It should be the "Asia-Pacific Theater".
The governor's letter is dated "June 11, 1951", which Jeff receives the day of the Mrs. Mississippi pageant. Duffy says the Mrs. America pageant is happening in one week. The 1951 Mrs. America pageant was held that September.
The letter informing Willie that he has been drafted into the Army has no year on it, just "XXXX".
When the Gladwyns are being driven to the studio, it's supposed to be raining heavily, but the cars seen in the rear projection are not using their windshield wipers.
The Jeff and Annabel Norris sequence is set in Mississippi, yet no one speaks with a Southern accent.
Melvin's registry book showed Hector's residence as "Lanhasset, New York", yet the address on the envelope from the governor says "Manhasset, New York". If this goof was made by the set decorator, then it's a factual mistake. However, it may have been intentional in order to underscore how scatter-brained Melvin is.
It's supposed to be June 1951, but the wall calendar at the doctor's office has 31 days and begins on a Thursday. The only month in 1951 that meets those criteria is March.
On the radio show, Ramona tells her 3-year-old daughter to run off to school. Whoever wrote Ramona's script should have known that "Irene" is too young for school.
Ramona reads a "letter" from a woman who had a headache for 40 years until she took "Pepso-Bepso". Steve continues the pitch but calls the product "Pepto-Bepto".
Duffy says the Mrs. America pageant will be held in Atlantic City. The 1951 Mrs. America pageant was held in Asbury Park, New Jersey.
Jeff leaves the baby sitting in a highchair to see Annabel, who has just arrived home. A baby is never supposed to be left alone for a moment, especially in a highchair.