Handmaiden : [captured Orville is thrown at Allura's feet] What is it?
Allura : I could be wrong, but I think it's a man.
Handmaiden : That's a man?
Allura : As I remember it, they look something like this. Although, this seems to be a pretty poor specimen.
Allura : My man was the lyingest, cheatingest, double-crossingest male that ever inhabited Venus. And so were all the rest of 'em.
Handmaiden : Could it be a sign that men are to return to us again?
Handmaiden : Maybe it's an omen.
Handmaiden : An omen?
Handmaiden : Omen!
Handmaiden : Oh, men!
Allura : Silence, all of you. We have done well without men. Our science, art, medicine, and culture surpass that of any other civilization. *We* have discovered the secret of eternal life. We live in tranquility and peace. Are we to destroy this by bringing *men* back?