Horace McMahon credited as playing...
- Harry: [Upon discovering a rocket that has just landed] What's that?
- Mugsy: If I didn't see with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it.
- Harry: What is it?
- Mugsy: Are you kiddin'? That's a spaceship. Them guys weren't from Mardi Gras, they're from Mars.
- Harry: What's Mars? Is that anywheres near Hoboken?
- Mugsy: What's Mars! Mars is a planet. A planet is a thing that goes revolving around in space.
- Harry: How did it get up there?
- Mugsy: Well, it all depends whether you subscribe to the Laplacian theory of 1796 or whether you subscribe to the tidal theory formulated by somebody in 1919.
- Harry: Gee, must be wonderful to have education.
- Mugsy: Stop foolin' around with them instruments! We'll wait for them Martians to come and let them run the ship.
- Harry: Hey, talk about foolin' around, they got any dames in this Mars place?
- Mugsy: Naturally they got dames. I seen pictures from there. They got big heads, four arms, and wireless aerials growin' out of their ears.
- Harry: That don't sound very entrancing to me.
- Mugsy: They don't sound no worse then some of them beagles I seen you keepin' company with.
- Mugsy: [to Allura] Ah, fair flower of Venus. The sight of you makes my lips burn for your kisses. It kindles the fires of love in my heart. The flames sear my soul.
- Orville: Squirt the hose on him, put the fire out, and put him in the dungeon.
- Venusian Captain Olivia: Yes, oh mighty King.