Charles Goldner credited as playing...
- Chief Officer Ricco: Mrs. 'Gibraltar' St. James: she's in there.
- Capt. Henry St. James: I know.
- Chief Officer Ricco: Madame 'Kalik' St. James: she's also in there.
- Capt. Henry St. James: I'm quite aware of the fact.
- Chief Officer Ricco: Then what do we do?
- Capt. Henry St. James: In the words of a famous English statesman, "We cultivate the faculty of patient expectancy." We wait and see.
- Chief Officer Ricco: I'll introduce myself ladies... Chief Officer Ricco.
- Susan Dailey: I'm Miss Dailey... and this is Miss Bligh.
- Chief Officer Ricco: To you, Carlos.
- Daphne Bligh: [rudely] And To YOU, Miss Dailey. and Miss Bligh.
- Capt. Henry St. James: [On the bridge, musing out loud to no one in particular] 'He that would enter paradise must have a golden key.'
- Chief Officer Ricco: [Overhearing] You said something about a key, captain...
- Capt. Henry St. James: I was merely quoting, Ricco, an old proverb.