Kathryn Beaumont credited as playing...
Wendy Darling
- Wendy: He can fly!
- John: He can fly!
- Michael: He flewed!
- Peter Pan: Now you try.
- Wendy: I'll think of a mermaid lagoon.
- [sighs]
- Wendy: Underneath a magic moon.
- John: I'll think I'm in a pirate's cave.
- Michael: I think I'll be an Indian brave.
- Peter Pan: Now everybody try.
- Wendy, John, Michael, Peter Pan: [as Peter tugs them up to try and get them to fly] One, two, three!
- Wendy, John, Michael: [Peter lets go of them and they appear to fly briefly] We can fly! We can fly! We can flyyyyyyyyyy!
- [the children all fall onto John's bed in a heap, then we see Tinkerbell laugh at the accident]
- Peter Pan: This won't do. What's the matter with you? All it takes is faith and trust. Oh!
- [we see Tinkerbell brushing herself off]
- Peter Pan: And something I forgot--dust!
- Wendy, John: Dust?
- Michael: Dust?
- [we see Tinkerbell dart away, trying to escape Peter]
- Peter Pan: [grabs Tinkerbell] Yyyyyyyup, just a little bit of pixie dust.
- [taps Tinkerbell a bit with his hand to make golden dust come off and rain down on the kids]
- Peter Pan: Now, think of the happiest things. It's the same as having wings.
- Michael: [referring to Tinker Bell] Oh, look! A firefly!
- Wendy: A pixie.
- John: Amazing!
- [Tinker Bell angrily gestures at Peter]
- Michael: What's the pixie doing?
- Peter Pan: Talking.
- Wendy: What did she say?
- Peter Pan: She says you're a big ugly girl!
- [everybody laughs]
- Wendy: Oh... well, I think she's lovely.
- Mr. Darling: Wendy, haven't I warned you? Stuffing the boys heads with a lot of silly stories?
- Wendy: Oh, but they aren't.
- Mr. Darling: I say they are. Captain Crook! Peter Pirate!
- Wendy: Peter Pan, Father.
- Mr. Darling: Pan... Pirate... Poppycock!
- Wendy: Oh, no, Father!
- John: Oh my gosh!
- Wendy: How can you...?
- Mr. Darling: Absolute poppycock!
- Wendy: Oh! Mother, we're back!
- Mr. Darling: Back?
- Wendy: All except the lost boys. They were not quite ready.
- Mr. Darling: Lost boys? Ready?
- Wendy: To grow up. That's why they went back to Neverland.
- Mr. Darling: Neverland?
- Wendy: Well... I am.
- Mr. Darling: Am...?
- Wendy: Uh... ready to grow up.
- Mr. Darling: Oh, oh! Well, my dear...
- Wendy: Oh, we had such a wonderful time! Well, except when we were kidnapped...
- Mr. Darling: Kidnapped?
- Wendy: We had lots of fun with Tinker Bell, and the mermaids, and Peter Pan! Oh, he was the most wonderful person of them all! And then we called him a codfish!
- [giggles]
- Wendy: Uh... Captain Hook, I mean.
- [calms down and starts talking in a dreamy tone]
- Wendy: And then... we sailed away on a ship in the sky.
- Mr. Darling: [weirded out by Wendy's story, yawns] Mary, I'm going to bed.
- Captain Hook: Fly! Fly! Fly! You coward!
- Peter Pan: Coward! Me?
- Captain Hook: Ha-ha-ha! You wouldn't dare fight old Hook man-to-man. You'd fly away like a cowardly sparrow!
- Peter Pan: Nobody calls Pan a coward and lives! I'll fight you man-to-man, with one hand behind my back.
- Captain Hook: You mean you won't fly?
- Wendy: No, don't, Peter! It's a trick!
- Peter Pan: I give my word, Hook.
- Captain Hook: Good, then let's have at it!
- Wendy: But, Peter, how do we get to Never Land?
- Peter Pan: Fly, of course.
- Wendy: Fly?
- Peter Pan: It's easy! All you have to do is to... is to... is to... Ha! That's funny.
- Wendy: What's the matter? Don't you know?
- Peter Pan: Oh, sure. It's... It's just that I never thought about it before. Say, that's it! You think of a wonderful thought.
- Wendy: You can't stick it on with soap, Peter. It needs sewing. That's the proper way to do it. Although, come to think of it, I've never thought about it before... um... sewing shadows, I mean.
- Mrs. Darling: Now, George...
- Mr. Darling: [mockingly] "Now, George."
- [turning cross]
- Mr. Darling: "Now, George!" Well, "now, *George*" will have his say!
- Mrs. Darling: Please, Dear!
- Mr. Darling: Mary, the child's growing up. I think it's time she settled for a room of her own!
- Wendy: Father!
- Mrs. Darling: George!
- John: What?
- Michael: No!
- Mr. Darling: I mean it! Young lady, this is your last night in the nursery!
- [Mr. Darling had just tripped over Nana and crashed into a dresser]
- Mrs. Darling, Wendy, John, Michael: Ohhhhhh...
- [Everyone runs right passed Mr. Darling and comforts Nana]
- Mrs. Darling, Wendy, John, Michael: Poor Nana.
- Mr. Darling: Poor Nana? This is the last straw! Out! Out, I say!
- Michael: No, father! No!
- Mr. Darling: Yes! There will be no more dogs for nurse maids in this house!
- [Mr. Darling grabs Nana and takes her outside]
- Michael: Good-bye, Nana.
- [as Hook retreats, Peter crows triumphantly]
- Wendy: Peter! What about Tiger Lily?
- Peter Pan: Tiger Lily?
- [He remembers he left the princess tied on a rock]
- Peter Pan: Oh, Tiger Lily!
- [He flies back into Skull Rock. Tiger Lily is now up past her chin in water]
- Tiger Lily: Hel-!
- [the water drowns out her cry and she quickly submerges. Peter dives into the water and carries her to safety, free of the ropes and the anchor]
- Wendy: Peter, wait for me.
- [She flew after Peter and together they took Tiger Lily back home to her tribe. Sunset rises]
- Wendy: But Mother, I don't want to grow up.
- Mrs. Darling: Now, dear, don't worry about it any more tonight.
- John: He called Peter Pan "absolute poppycock".
- Mrs. Darling: I'm sure he didn't mean it, John. Father was just upset.
- Michael: Poor Nana, out there all alone.
- Mrs. Darling: No more tears, Michael. It's a warm night. She'll be all right.
- Michael: Mother.
- Mrs. Darling: What is it, dear?
- Michael: [handing her the cufflinks] Buried treasure.
- Mrs. Darling: Now, children. Don't judge your father too harshly. After all, he really loves you very much.