Strangely enough, the best acting job is turned in by Howard Keel. Quinn is, as usual, over the top (albeit, also per usual, entertainingly so) what with his yelling, snarling, cackling and sneering, while Rat Fink Bob, perhaps realizing he cannot compete with such antics, is monosyllabic, often to the point of incomprehension. Ava, as always, is on the wooden side, so that leaves the old Showboat songster, in the stolid, Paul Henried role and managing to unstiffen the fellow, as the guy who gives the most natural performance.
Alas, Keel's unpretentiousness does not extend to Frank Fenton's screenplay which has a tendency to go off on wild, philosophical tangents, especially when Kurt Kazner's priest is around, which is fairly often.
Bottom line: Typical John Farrow film. Good enough to keep you watching but not good enough to want to see it again. C plus.
PS...Almost forgot to mention a good, early Jack Elam bad guy role, thrown in for no extra charge.