May Wynn credited as playing...
May Wynn
- Lt. Keith: Darling, you were wonderful.
- May Wynn: Thanks. I'm surprised your mother let you out.
- Lt. Keith: I had to be with her. I should have told you yesterday that I couldn't make it for dinner. I'm sorry.
- May Wynn: Willie, order me a drink and then we'll fight.
- Lt. Keith: Leo, two Scotch and waters, please. Darling, let's not spoil the night. I've only got a couple of days left. I'm leaving Sunday.
- May Wynn: How do you expect me to feel, leaving me standing there all alone? Willie, why didn't you introduce me to your mother?
- Lt. Keith: I wanted you to meet her, but... well, there's a time for everything.
- May Wynn: I'm sure.
- [raising her glass in a toast]
- May Wynn: To the most important woman in your life: Mom.
- Lt. Keith: May, stop it!