Piper Laurie credited as playing...
Rannah Hayes
- Brett Wade: Allow me to introduce myself.
- Rannah Hayes: I know who you are.
- Brett Wade: By reputation?
- Rannah Hayes: No, by your notoriety.
- Brett Wade: What's your destination, Miss Hayes?
- Rannah Hayes: Socorro.
- Brett Wade: What's your destiny? Marriage?
- Rannah Hayes: Yes.
- Brett Wade: It's not the answer I was hoping for.
- Rannah Hayes: Don't you believe in marriage?
- Brett Wade: I once had many beliefs. One of them was marriage.
- Rannah Hayes: Well, just exactly does my job call for?
- Dick Braden: See that my patrons spend more money at the bar and lose more money at the table than they had intended to. You'll do this by treating every patron as if he were handsome and entertaining, and by regarding yourself as beautiful, desirable and approachable.