Mary McCarty credited as playing...
Annie Farrell
- Annie Farrell: Now, look here, Chesty, just because this guy gave you back to the Indians, is no reason to commit social suicide. You can't go running around in that nifty little item you're wearing either. Mame, I made that for you five years ago.
- Mary 'Mame' Carson: I didn't want to be conspicuous.
- Annie Farrell: Conspicuous? Why you look like something before television.
- Annie Farrell: Dog, if it isn't great to see you!
- Mary 'Mame' Carson: Well, I hope to kiss a coyote if it ain't.
- Mary 'Mame' Carson: Waco takes care of all that?
- Annie Farrell: Listen, how is that dirty old man?
- Mary 'Mame' Carson: He's still lyin' his head off.
- Mary 'Mame' Carson: Well, I can see success has gone to your figure.
- Annie Farrell: Well, it's metabolism, that's all. You drink a malted milk and lose a pound. Me, I look at a chocolate eclair and my girdle snaps.
- Annie Farrell: Now, don't give me that discouraged tone of voice, Mame. Why, now that you're here, we're going to set mantraps all over New York City.
- Mary 'Mame' Carson: I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon on The French Line.
- Annie Farrell: Let me take a look at you Myrtle. Turn around. Oh, your zipper Myrtle. Your zipper! There. Now you look wonderful!
- [spanks Myrtle's behind]
- Annie Farrell: Go, girl, go and sell it!
- Mary 'Mame' Carson: I didn't have any use for that either; so, I gave it back to the Indians too.
- Annie Farrell: Well, those Comanches will have the best dressed Reservation in the Department of Interior.
- Mary 'Mame' Carson: [reading the card with delivered dozen roses] "To my long stemmed American beauty who should be at the bar with me this instant. Pierre."
- Annie Farrell: Wow! Well
- [spanks Mame's behind]
- Annie Farrell: Go, girl, go.
- Annie Farrell: Have a ball; but, don't count on a ball and chain.
- Mary 'Mame' Carson: Yeah, but, I think he likes me.
- Annie Farrell: Well, what's odd about that?
- Mary 'Mame' Carson: No. I mean, really.
- Annie Farrell: Oh, honey, I've been kicking around with these joy boys. Believe me, baby, you never hit the jackpot with a first quarter.
- Annie Farrell: Listen. We'll find her; then, you'll know what to do.
- Pierre DuQuesne: I'll know what to do.
- Annie Farrell: Mmm. I bet you will.
- Annie Farrell: Your Mary Carson? Well, how did you figure that one out, lover boy?
- Pierre DuQuesne: You're a very good friend of hers, are you not, Madame Firelle?
- Annie Farrell: You're darn tootin', Cuddles!
- Annie Farrell: A Frenchman? What am I supposed to do with him?
- Mary 'Mame' Carson: Nothin'. Just let him do all the doin'.
- Mary 'Mame' Carson: [singing] Someday I hope from the soil, I'll strike water instead of oil
- Mary 'Mame' Carson, Annie Farrell: We're tired of drinking Texaco and - Shell...
- Annie Farrell: Where'd you get that tomato?
- 'Waco' Mosby: Well, that's my French interpretator.
- Annie Farrell: She's your what?
- 'Waco' Mosby: You heard me!