Steven Geray credited as playing...
Dr. Kreuger
- Doctor Kreuger: [noticing recognition between Jerry and Ilse] You two know each other?
- Jerry Morgan: Uh, no, not really. We slept in the same room last night. Uh... Uh, I-I mean... Uh, but I mean, we took a shower together. Uh, actually, we've never been actually introduced.
- Doctor Kreuger: Why do they fight?
- Jerry Morgan: [Under sedation] Because, mommy says that daddy is always looking at Zelda, the fire eater. And then, of course, there's his drinking.
- Dr. Ilse Nordstrom: And just how bad is that?
- Jerry Morgan: I don't know, but mommy says that if you can buy it, burn it, or bottle it; if you could sip it, swallow it, gurgle it or gargle it; if you could squirt it out of a bottle or squeeze it out of a damn bread, or just put it in a glass and swish it around - he'll drink it.