Martin Benson credited as playing...
Lawyer Dhofar
- Mary Payton: Don't you understand what all this is doing to innocent African tribes?
- Lawyer Dhofar: Perhaps I do. Perhaps I do not. But, but Mrs. Payton don't you think you are being a little, to put it delicately, starry-eyed about these so-called innocent tribes? Oh. come, Mrs. Payton, we must be realists. The world cannot wait for civilisation to catch up with the primitive black man.
- Mary Payton: For one thing, this ivory business is destroying a fine, pastoral people, the Golanas; turning them into slum savages.
- Lawyer Dhofar: But Mrs. Payton, in Africa, that is what the black man is doomed to be - a slum savage. Oh, it is regrettable but inevitable. Perhaps you conveniently forget your Industrial Revolution and what it did to your people?
- Lawyer Dhofar: Africa, Mr Payton, is having its own industrial revolution. And no sentimental heart-burning is going to stop it.
- Lawyer Dhofar: But you, speaking as an African...
- Lawyer Dhofar: I am not an African. A Phoenician, perhaps; a Persian even - but not an African.
- Bob Payton: I'm proud to call myself an East African.
- Lawyer Dhofar: It is easy for a conqueror to be magnanimous. You are not an African, Mr. Payton. What are your inmost thoughts at this moment? Because I talk to you as man to man. Aren't they "I'd like to smack this little wog on the kisser?" Or something like that? I am a barrister-at-law, Mr Payton, a graduate of the Sorbonne but out here, my home, I am a wog. A munt. A nigger, even. And you ask me to sympathise with you in perpetuating that? I'm all for a change, Mr Payton, and if because of it the picturesque Golanas disappear, it's just too bad. That is the right expression, isn't it?
- Lawyer Dhofar: But please forgive me. You must have so many missionary activities to occupy you, I must not detain you any longer.
- Bob Payton: Now look here...
- Lawyer Dhofar: In this cynical world, it is indeed charming to meet an idealist. Best of luck to you, Mrs Payton. Mr Payton, may you cure the growing pains of Africa.
- Bob Payton: [now outside the office] Phew, that didn't go according to plan.