James Arness credited as playing...
Matt Dillon • Matt
- Kitty Russell: Matt, you can't account for everything that happens to people who touch you. You know, I learned a long time ago, there are some things in this life that you just accept the way they are.
- U.S. Marshal Matt Dillon: That's pretty deep for a redhead.
- Kitty Russell: I'm a pretty deep redhead.
- Festus Haggen: Don't you think somebody oughta reckon with him, Matthew?
- U.S. Marshal Matt Dillon: What did you say his name was again, Festus?
- Festus Haggen: I think its Sinclair... Jack Sinclair.
- U.S. Marshal Matt Dillon: He's got no left hand?
- Festus Haggen: That's right. Anyways, don't you think somebody ought to go reckon with him?
- U.S. Marshal Matt Dillon: No!
- Festus Haggen: Why not, Matthew?
- U.S. Marshal Matt Dillon: Because it was my bullet that took his hand!
- U.S. Marshal Matt Dillon: [to any man seemingly planning to go gunning for somebody.] If you're gonna to use that gun, you better start on me.