Brian Donlevy credited as playing...
Joe McClure
- Joe McClure: Mr. Brown is a very reasonable man. You don't know him.
- Leonard Diamond: Oh, is he? Well I'm not. I intend to make life very difficult for your Mr. Brown.
- Joe McClure: You shouldn't talk like that, Lieutenant. You're overstepping your authority.
- Mr. Brown: Joe, the man has reason to hate me. His salary is $96.50 a week. The busboys in my hotel make better money than that. Don't you see, Joe? He's a righteous man.
- Mr. Brown: Why did you do it, Joe?
- Joe McClure: I told you, he pulled a gun on me.
- Mr. Brown: I'm trying to run an impersonal business. Killing is very personal. Once it gets started, it's hard to stop.
- Joe McClure: I guess I'm getting too old to handle a gun.
- Mr. Brown: Yeah, maybe you're just getting too old, Joe.
- Joe McClure: He pulled a gun on me. What did you want me to do?
- Mr. Brown: With your kind of brain, there's nothing else you could do.