In the movie, Billy Mitchell is reduced in rank and transferred to Texas for disobeying orders during the bombing tests. Actually it was due to him talking to the press without permission and happened a few years after this event.
The movie shows the first bombing run on the Ostfriesland as having no effect on the battleship. In reality the first bombing run did quite extensive damage to Ostfriesland's super structure.
The award ribbons on Billy Mitchell's uniform coat are arranged in rows of three. However, he actually wore them in rows of four.
As Mitchell enters his Washington DC hotel, the ease with which he carries his suitcase and moves it around makes it obvious that it is empty.
Not shown in the movie Billy Mitchell's bombing tests also sank the German light cruiser the SMS Frankfurt.
The establishing shot of Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas for a scene set in 1921 shows a World War II jeep parked squarely in the center of the frame.
In the opening sequence Colonel Mitchell arrives for the test he is flying a Grumman JF "Duck". This airplane was not first flown until 1932 when the date of the scene is 1921.
An aerial shot of Washington D.C. prior to a scene set in 1925 shows the US Supreme Court Building, which opened in 1935, and several structures built during the Second World War.
At the climax of the film when Mitchell rises to hear the tribunal's verdict, the shadow of the camera can be seen moving in the lower left-hand corner of the screen.