Janusz Paluszkiewicz credited as playing...
- Sekula: There once was a wise bearded man by the name of Karl Marx. He once wrote that workers were paid just barely enough to renew their strength. These days we don't even get that. We have to scrounge to survive.
- Stach Mazur: Can't we workers do anything?
- Sekula: If you only knew, my friend, how much blood has been spilled over this simple arithmetic - among other things. Workers fight for their rights. They always have.
- Sekula: Hello Dorota. I'd like you to meet this young man. A new recruit, and not a bad one, I believe.
- Dorota: Time will tell. What shall we call you? Tiger? Panther? Poppy? Animal, vegetable or mineral?
- Stach Mazur: This is no laughing matter. Give me an ordinary human name.
- Dorota: You have a bit of the country about you. I'll call you "Bartek."
- Stach Mazur: Then Bartek it is.
- Sekula: The ghetto rose up today. I've come to say goodbye to you, Dorota, and to my boys. We must help our Jewish comrades.