The truck used to rescue Hoyt is right-hand drive, correct in Hong Kong, but not in Canton.
When Rene gets into a fistfight with two Aussies at Tweeties, he NEVER is the worse for wear even though he takes numerous blows to his face. D'Arcy (the actor portraying Rene) must have been a rival for George Reeves' " Man Of Steel" Superman.
Some nighttime scenes were filmed using a filter to darken scenes. BUT this technique leaves the sky blue when in fact the night sky is always black! Further, detail, and even distant is evident, when in fact it should, should fade, disappear, into the shadows and darkness of the background.
The Communist Chinese "gunboat" in the chase sequence was shown firing a Royal Navy pattern 6-pdr (Hotchkiss 57mm). However, close-ups of the gun crew showed what appeared to be a U.S. Navy pattern 3-in 23 caliber "boat gun" (same type used on the U.S. gunboat in the later "Sand Pebbles").
Whilst looking through the binoculars at the Chinese gunship, Hank is holding them upside down.
After playing a record of Chicago sounds for Mrs. Hoyt, Hank mentions the "Elevated" (its transit system). No one from Chicago, as Hank is, would call it that - it's simply the "L".