Underwater! (1955)
Richard Egan: Johnny Gray
Johnny Gray : Men who live by sharks, get to live like them. You could almost smell the way that guy was thinking. We looked fat and he was hungry.
Johnny Gray : Excitement is like getting drunk. It hits you before you know it. And I was being hit.
Johnny Gray : Theresa, baby, I've seen it with my own eyes!
Theresa Gray : Johnny, I think you've seen it with his eyes.
Johnny Gray : The sea had washed off her makeup and the worms had eaten her skin. But to us, at that moment, this hulk was a living doll.
Johnny Gray : Those sand shrimps weren't used to entertaining visitors. There must have been a thousand of them - chattering like old ladies on the porch of some hotel. And where there was that many sand shrimps, there was plenty of sand.
Dominic Quesada : She let out a yell like a little coyote.
Johnny Gray : Still does.