- Della: What's your name?
- Nat Harbin: Nathaniel... Say, what is this? What do you want?
- Della: Basically - basically, I'm out to find myself a man. Wait for me outside.
- Nat Harbin: Are you kidding?
- Della: No. No, Nathaniel, I'm not kidding.
- Nat Harbin: Well, that's tough on you. Sorry, no sale.
- Della: [slaps Nat] Just to let you know, I'm - not selling anything.
- Dohmer: Where's Gladden?
- Nat Harbin: In the kitchen.
- Baylock: Yeah, she's in the kitchen. You know why she's in the kitchen? So you can't look at her! You're always *looking* at her.
- Dohmer: What am I supposed to do? Look at you?
- Baylock: There's a 30 year rap staring me in the face. Can't you see my only move? I gotta take a stroll, Nat. I gotta stroll and clear outta this country! And the quicker I get started, the better chance I'll have. I've always wanted that chance. Hoped for it. Dreamed about it. The one juicy haul that puts the money in my pocket - the money that takes me on a long, long trip. Central America. I'll stay there. I'll have what it needs to stay there. 20,000 George Washingtons. 20,000. Enough to buy some ground. Grow something. Bananas. Anything.
- Newsreel Narrator: In Miami, Florida, belles workout with dumbbells. And if they have any energy left they try a few tricks on the pogo sticks. They do this by the hour, seeking that hourglass figure.
- Della: [sitting at a bar, smoking a cigarette] My name's Della. I said, my name's Della.
- Nat Harbin: What goes here?
- Della: The situation.
- Nat Harbin: You do this all the time?
- Della: No, of course not. You know I've never done it before.
- Nat Harbin: How would I know?
- Della: You just know, that's all. You're looking at me and you know.
- Baylock: It ain't as if you got eyes for her. If you were sweet on the chick, I could understand it; but, you aren't. You hardly even look at her. You don't even know she's around.
- Della: I was 17. I went to Chicago. Great city, Chicago. The city of opportunity. The first three I turned down. And along comes Sir Galahad to the rescue. Turns out he runs a model agency. At least, that's what he called it. The first thing I know there's a - bunch a creeps with cameras. Somehow, I landed in show business. I was a dancer. What's known as a: high-kicker. One night, I kicked a booking agent right in the mouth. Broke his jaw.
- Della: Nathaniel. Nathaniel. Nat. You know, I like the feel of that name. Nat. Soft, but it has a snap to it. A soft snap. It's a patent leather name.
- Della: Finally, it happened. I meet an eligible bachelor. A nice guy. Real nice. So completely different from all the others. So clean. I married him. I was happy. I was so happy, I couldn't believe it. Then comes the left hook, right between the eyes.
- Nat Harbin: He took off?
- Della: Jet propelled.
- Nat Harbin: Why? What did it?
- Della: A photograph. Some joker showed him a photograph of me. One of the specials from the modeling agency. He didn't even bother to hit me.
- Gladden: You don't know? You really don't know? Well, look at me. I'm a woman! I'm flesh and blood and I got feelings. But, you never knew it. You never wanted to know. I was starving for you - night after night I tore pills apart with my teeth, so hungry for you. I wanted you so much.
- Nat Harbin: That's three.
- Della: Three what?
- Nat Harbin: Three drinks in the last half hour. Tell me something. Who hurt you?
- Nat Harbin: You'll come back in. We'll be waiting.
- Gladden: Better stock up on groceries. 'Cause you're in for a long wait.