The Broken Star (1956)
Henry Calvin: Thornton Wills
Thornton W. Wills : Form your squares, folks. How about that old dosey-doe hoedown? All set, boys? Everybody in your places, straighten up your faces, tighten up your traces, we're in for a long pull!
Deputy Marshal Frank Smeed : You want to file a complaint?
Thornton W. Wills : With you personally, not your office.
Thornton W. Wills : I ain't interested in your ruckus with Alvarado, nor particularly interested he ain't among the livin'. I don't even care who's got the cash, just so's I get it back.
Thornton W. Wills : No, I ain't accusin' you of a thing. If you feel guilty, edgy, that's your lookout. You might just know who took it, you might be able to just find it. I want it back. I aim to get it back if it costs ten times as much.
Deputy Marshal Frank Smeed : I don't know anything about it.
Thornton W. Wills : If that's the way you want it. You've had a fair shake.