"Milton Muffet" is the epitome of the arch criminal. Given his disrespect for the rule of law, he's lucky he's not in Leavenworth! What's his crime? Well he's a shameless jaywalker, that's what! He finds the whole thing exhilarating. He's addicted to the extent that he quit his job and just waited on street corners waiting for traffic to disrupt. His war of attrition involved him marching along the road playing chicken with the approaching vehicles. This strategy has mixed results, it has to be said! Indeed many of his techniques work intermittently as he tries to wind up road users - but that seems to make his hobby even more fun! Maybe he needs to see a shrink? Is he beyond redemption? This is quite an enjoyable feature with plenty of daft scenarios, a fitting final scene and even a bit of guidance offered should you ever wish to take it up yourself! If you haven't tried this, you haven't lived!