Elisha Cook Jr. credited as playing...
George Peatty
- George Peatty: Tell me something, will you, Sherry. Just tell me one thing. Why did you ever marry me, anyway?
- Sherry Peatty: Oh, George, when a man has to ask his wife that; well, he just hadn't better, that's all.
- George Peatty: This couple, sittin' just in front of me, oh, they weren't young, exactly. I guess the woman was about your age.
- Sherry Peatty: A little senile, you mean? With one foot and a big toe in the grave?
- George Peatty: You want to hear this or not? Do you or not, Sherry?
- Sherry Peatty: I can't wait. Go ahead and thrill me George.
- George Peatty: It would make a difference, wouldn't it. If I had money, I mean.
- Sherry Peatty: How would you define money, George? Now, if you're thinkin' of givin' me your collection of Roosevelt dimes...
- George Peatty: I mean big money. Hundreds of thousands of dollars.
- Sherry Peatty: You really don't feel well, do you? Are you sure that pain's in your stomach?
- George Peatty: I'm gonna have it, Sherry. Hundreds of thousands. Maybe a half a million.
- Sherry Peatty: Of course you are, Darling. Did you put the right address on the envelope when you sent it to the North Pole?
- George Peatty: I'm sick, Sherry. I - call an ambulance.
- Sherry Peatty: The doors behind you. Take a cab!
- George Peatty: I've been kinda sick today. I keep gettin' pains in my stomach.
- Sherry Peatty: Maybe you got a hole in it, George. Do you suppose you have?
- George Peatty: A hole in it? How would I get a hole in my stomach?
- Sherry Peatty: How would you get one in your head? Fix me a drink, George. I think I'm developing some pains myself.
- George Peatty: Sherry, can't I ever say anything at all without you jokin' me about it?
- Sherry Peatty: Hurry up with that drink, George. The pains are gettin' worse.
- George Peatty: I saw somethin' kinda nice comin' home on the train tonight. Somethin', well, eh, kinda sweet.
- Sherry Peatty: A candy bar, George?
- George Peatty: No, not a candy bar, Donut.
- Sherry Peatty: You want me to call you Papa, isn't that it George? And you want to call me Mama.
- George Peatty: You know all the answers.
- Sherry Peatty: Go right ahead. Of course, it may be the last word you ever say; but, I'll try to kill you as painless as possible.