I always find it a bit tricky to really be critical of older films. There's so much in them that may have perfectly fit that era that just don't work now. I don't even mean social or political issues so much as things like writing, acting, cinematography and plotting.
In the case of the Pharaoh's Curse, I think it does some things really well, like jumping right to things rather than having to spend a lot of time on pointless talking. It's so campy and cheesy though that it's hard to take seriously.
With something like this, I'm going with my gut and when the credits rolled I wasn't upset for watching it but it wasn't exactly a great time either. It's more fascinating just because of its age than the film itself, I think but it's not a bad watch. This is really only a movie for people that enjoy old cinema and movie buffs. There's nothing really exceptional here to make it worth the average viewer's time.