Kenneth More credited as playing...
Douglas Bader
- Bader: [Bader is at a sanatorium in recovery and listening to a fellow patient complain about pains to one of his legs] . Have it off, old boy, have it off.
- Equipment Officer: I'm sorry, the book says I must wait three months before I can initiate the procedure for hastening new issue.
- Bader: Fine! We'll send Goring a telegram, and ask him not to come over for *three months*!
- Bader: [Spotting the Base Commander] I was just on my way to find you, Sir. We've been unable to get replacement spares and tools, so I've sent this signal of to Group. '242 Squadron fully operational as regards pilots, but non-operational, repeat, non-operational as regards equipment'
- Bader's 242 Squadron Base Commander: [Taking the signal form from Bader and reading it] You know, you just can't do this!
- Bader: Well, I've done it, Sir.
- Bader's 242 Squadron Base Commander: There'll be an awful row at Group.
- Bader: There'll be an awful row at Fighter Command. I sent them a copy too!
- Bader's 242 Squadron Base Commander: Well, I can see your squadron will either be getting new equipment or a new C.O. I wouldn't like to bet on which!
- [Bader finds out that 242 squadron has not received replacements for the spares and tools they lost when they pulled out of France]
- Warr. Off. West: We've applied for replacements through the usual channels, Sir.
- Bader: And?
- Warr. Off. West: Well, the usual channels appear to be clogged.
- Bader: *Are* they? Well, We'll ruddy well *unclog* 'em!
- Robert Desoutter: You'll never walk again without a stick.
- Bader: Damn that! I'll never walk with one!
- Bader: If I can't take my squadron with me, I'm not so sure I want to go.
- Air Vice-Marshal Leigh-Mallory: You'll do as you're told.