- John Willoughby: Your mom's not feeling too well.
- Peter Willoughby: She worries a lot about us. You know how women are.
- Nora Willoughby: [to her husband] I don't care about the rebels. I'm sick and tired of hearing about the rebels. That's all you ever think about. That's all your son ever thinks about. He doesn't play with other children. He spends all his time killing Confederates. He doesn't even have a father. He has a commanding officer.
- Gray Mason: [In bed, mending from a knife wound] I guess you'd kill me pretty quick.
- John Willoughby: [Thinking Gray killed his son] Oh, I'd kill ya.
- Nora Willoughby: [to John] Alright, pull the trigger! What difference does it make if he's one of them or not? Kill 'em. And if he isn't enough, go out and find some one else. Murder half the world if it makes you happy. That's what you want, isn't it? That 's what Petey would want?
- Gray Mason: Why don't you ask me what you really want to know?
- John Willoughby: What makes you think I want to know anything?
- Gray Mason: I've been around long enough to know when someone's the cat and I'm the mouse.
- Bedloe Mason: [to his son, Gray] How many times I've asked myself how was it we Masons wound up on the run. Stealing to live. No kind of roof, except God's own stars? No answer. And how was it that God had saw fit to give me four fine sons and then made them different as twilight to noon? Still no answer. Therefore, whatever His idea was when He made Wesley draw that gun and shoot that child, that's His business. But He just giveth and taketh away.
- Bedloe Mason: The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Let it go at that, no questions asked.
- Gray Mason: Sounds real easy when you put it like that.
- Bedloe Mason: It's not easy, son, it's just easier. A man could grow crazy if he had to have reasons for everything that happens.
- Bedloe Mason: [to John] What the sons of some men do to the sons of others. There's the tragedy of the world.