- Edward L. McKeever: I was hoping to talk to you again, because the last time I saw you, I - well, it was - it was an abrupt departure.
- Laura Partridge: Oh, it was abrupt. You ran like a thief.
- Edward L. McKeever: Miss Partridge, you see, I'm a businessman, and all my life I've concentrated on business. Now, this has necessarily forced me to devote more of my time to some things and less to others. You understand.
- Laura Partridge: Sure. You're scared of girls.
- Laura Partridge: Do you like Shakespeare?
- Edward L. McKeever: Well, I've read a lot of it.
- Laura Partridge: Well, take my advice and don't play it! It's so tiring! They don't let you sit down unless you're a king!
- Miss L'Arriere: I had my swimming pool dug by an International Projects steam shovel. It's a darling shovel.
- [last lines]
- Narrator: A solid gold Cadillac. Well, what else can you give a girl who has everything?
- Clifford Snell: She's interfering with every plan we've made. Did you hear her when I announced we were voting ourselves bonuses? She practically called us crooks!
- Edward L. McKeever: Aren't there a lot of little theaters off-Broadway, you know, groups?
- Laura Partridge: Oh, sure. I used to belong to one last year: The Young Shakespeareans. You know what they did? Nothing but Shakespeare.
- Laura Partridge: I demonstrated a stove on television. "Try this Transcontinental gas range with the ever-loving oven."
- Edward L. McKeever: Oh, you're an actress.
- Laura Partridge: Well, if you want to call it acting. No, but I am an actress. Oh, but not just television. The stage is my field.
- Edward L. McKeever: Oh, really? Are you in anything now?
- Laura Partridge: Well, at the moment I'm in menswear at Bloomingdale's. Just part-time. Show business is a little slow, anyway for me. You know, I'm a very unusual type.
- Laura Partridge: I'd like to see Mr. Blessington.
- Blessington's Secretary: Mr. Blessington? Who shall I say is calling?
- Laura Partridge: You shall say Laura Partridge.
- Laura Partridge: I think you're stuck on him. Why don't you tell him? If he knew you liked him, he'd fall apart like a soggy donut.
- Laura Partridge: You are probably married. I am not married, as yet; because, of my job as a career woman.
- John T. Blessington: Miss Partridge doesn't know it yet, but I'm going to hire her.
- Clifford Snell: You're what?
- John T. Blessington: Boys, there's one rule in business: If you can't crush them, join them. If you can't kill them, acquire them. Now, we can't kill Miss Partridge.
- Clifford Snell: How do we know until we've tried?
- Laura Partridge: It's you!
- Edward L. McKeever: Yes, it's me; but, you.
- Laura Partridge: Oh, it's me too!
- Laura Partridge: You're Edward L. McKeever. That's a wonderful thing to be! I wouldn't want you to be some actor named *Rock* McKeever or something.
- Laura Partridge: Did you tell him?
- Amelia Shotgraven: [crying at her desk] Tell him what?
- Laura Partridge: About your condition.
- Amelia Shotgraven: What condition?
- Laura Partridge: What? You mean, you're not?
- Amelia Shotgraven: Laura, how could you think such a thing?
- Laura Partridge: Well, Amelia, where I come from when a girls says she's in trouble - she's in trouble!
- Laura Partridge: Most people have a picture of their wife and children on their desk, and I don't have a wife and children.
- Edward L. McKeever: I should have fired him 15 years ago, when I caught him taking home paper clips.
- Laura Partridge: Would you like some coffee?
- Edward L. McKeever: Well, I'm due in Blessington's office.
- Laura Partridge: How about a sandwich?
- Edward L. McKeever: No, not really.
- Laura Partridge: Oh, it's delicious! It's peanut butter and smoked salmon. I make it myself.
- Edward L. McKeever: Well, no, just some coffee.
- Edward L. McKeever: That's a nasty thing. A young girl comes to Washington to try and get an innocent, honest businessman to do something unethical. To entice him with her wiles.
- Laura Partridge: My wiles? I didn't plan to use one single, solitary wile on you.
- Edward L. McKeever: You know, all of the sudden I have the feeling I want to kiss you.
- Laura Partridge: You do? Well...
- Edward L. McKeever: I'm sorry. What an idea. Wanting to kiss you in your office.
- Laura Partridge: Oh, it's all right. I'm on my lunch hour.
- Edward L. McKeever: That's it! We can get them out for committing a criminal act! They did *send* you to Washington.
- Laura Partridge: Yes.
- Edward L. McKeever: They bought you clothes, gave you an airplane ticket. Sent you to pressure me into giving them government contracts.
- Laura Partridge: That's right.
- Edward L. McKeever: Will you testify to that in court?
- Laura Partridge: Of course!
- Edward L. McKeever: Then, we've got 'em! There happens to be a law against that, Laura! A federal law!
- Laura Partridge: I know! The Mann Act!
- Edward L. McKeever: I think you'll be comfortable here for the night.
- Laura Partridge: Will I! And how'd you ever dig this up?
- [holds up a sheer black nightgown]
- Edward L. McKeever: One of my military aides got it. He probably requisitioned it from his wife.
- Laura Partridge: Oh, this never belonged to any wife.
- Laura Partridge: Mr. Chairman! I got a question.
- John T. Blessington: We haven't asked for questions.
- Laura Partridge: I have a question anyway.
- John T. Blessington: There's a motion on the floor.
- Laura Partridge: I've got a question about the motion.
- John T. Blessington: What's the question?
- Laura Partridge: What's the motion?
- Laura Partridge: Listen, this could be a picture of an actor.
- Edward L. McKeever: It's a picture of just what I am. An ex-grease monkey who got lucky.
- Laura Partridge: No, this could be - William Holden.
- Laura Partridge: What's money got to do with it? Oh, not that I'm against it. A man needs more than money. A man needs a job to go to, a job he loves. And he needs a home to come home to, a happy home. But if he has no job to go to, how can he come home to a happy home if he's been sitting home all day to begin with?
- [first lines]
- Narrator: [voice over] Ladies and gentlemen, in this country today, more people are investing in the stock market than ever before. I imagine, some of you folks own stock in one company or another, but for those of you who don't, I better explain a couple of things.
- Narrator: [voice over continues as a camera pans from the top to the bottom of a skyscraper's exterior] This building is owned by a very rich company called International Projects Limited.
- Narrator: [voice over continues as the camera focuses on a young woman walking down the hall inside the building] This young lady is a typical stockholder on her way to attend the annual stockholders meeting. If the stockholders cannot attend in person, they can mail in their proxies designating the management or some other person to vote for them. It is to the small stockholders, the backbone of American industry, that this story is dedicated. In a moment, you'll see how a typical stockholders meeting operates.
- Narrator: [voice over continues as the Board executive files into the board room one by one] The officers of the company are now entering the meeting room. They are: Alfred Metcalfe, Vice-President - I wouldn't trust him with a quarter; Clifford Snell, Vice-President and Treasurer - him I wouldn't trust with a dime; this gentleman is the new head of the company, John T. Blessington, President and Chairman of the Board - him, not a nickel; Warren Gillie, Vice-President and Secretary - this crook, even the other three don't trust; and Edward L. McKeever, Founder of International Projects. He's a very honest man. In fact, he's so honest he doesn't even have the stock. And now, the meeting is about to begin.
- Edward L. McKeever: [reciting "Spartacus to the Gladiators" by Elijah Kellogg] "... There are no noblemen, but Romans."
- [bows]
- Edward L. McKeever: Well, what did you think?
- Laura Partridge: Well?
- Edward L. McKeever: No good, huh?
- Laura Partridge: Oh, I wouldn't say that.
- Edward L. McKeever: You mean, you like it?
- Laura Partridge: Oh, I wouldn't say that, either.
- Edward L. McKeever: The company! They outfitted you in silks and perfumes to break down my morale. They sent Delilah to call on Samson. You're here to give me a haircut!
- Edward L. McKeever: I just can't give you any business.
- Laura Partridge: I don't want any business!
- Edward L. McKeever: You don't want any?
- Laura Partridge: Oh, I do! But the way things are, I don't!
- Edward L. McKeever: Do what I tell you, and be quick about it!
- Laura Partridge: Now, McKeever, that's what I call *love* talk.