When Van Johnson is in Gable's office alone in the very beginning of the film, someone comes in and gives him a model plane and he places it on a shelf behind him. However, when Gable comes in soon afterwards the shelf is empty.
When General Dennis tries to talk down the bombardier flying the crippled bomber, the bombardier reports that the aircraft's fuel is exhausted. Presumably he had also dropped his bomb load over the target. His on-board supply of machine gun ammunition should be very low if not exhausted. Yet when the bomber crashes, it explodes and burns. If he has no bombs, no gas , and no machine gun ammunition, what's to burn?
When Casey is wondering about the weather for the third straight day of maximum effort, he tells his staff to keep him informed with weather updates. But when he does so, his lips don't move.
After the plane General Dennis tried to talk in to a landing crashes, the next scene is an inside shot with the generals discussing allowing staff photographers into a debrief. On the brick wall in the background, the shadow of a boom mic is clearly seen moving in and out of scene for the entire duration.
The large map of Europe in the control room is inaccurate in many respects. For example, the outline of southern England is distorted with Kent far too small.
At c.73 minutes a wall map of East Anglia is shown briefly. Here, the position of Great Yarmouth is far too south-east of Norwich for accuracy.