When Buzz and Stanley are captured, the cannibals prepare the pots for the "cook", which emit steam. After their escape and the diamond discovery, they are recaptured. The diamond discussion by the Chief with Ms. Emerson allows a distraction to again escape; they hide in those same pots without burns or scalding.
The crocodiles portrayed in the film are, in fact, alligators. Alligators are native to the southeastern United States, and are not found in the wild in Africa.
Stanley's real eyebrows are visible and obviously covered with makeup during the high eyebrow raise scene.
When Stanley and Harry did the water faucet gag Harry's pants got wet. As Harry is seen angrily immediately walking away his pants are completely dry.
On the map of Africa, Angola is misspelled "Angolia".
The "Orangutan Gargantua" is in fact a gorilla, portrayed in exaggerated caricatured fashion. True orangutans are found only in Southeast Asia, not Africa.