James Mason credited as playing...
Brandon Bourne
- Nora Kernan: Jessie looks wonderful tonight.
- Brandon Bourne: She has you to thank for her looks, darling.
- Nora Kernan: And you! When a woman gets more beautiful after she's married, it means her man is either making her very happy or very unhappy.
- Brandon Bourne: Oscar Wilde?
- Nora Kernan: No, Belasco.
- Rosa Senta: You're not worried about what Mrs. Bourne will say?
- Brandon Bourne: Mrs. Bourne will be very understanding.
- Rosa Senta: Of course. The items you pick out to tell her will be very easy to understand.
- Brandon Bourne: Thank you, Rosa, for me and my wife. Thank you.
- Rosa Senta: If I were your wife, I'd cut your heart out!
- Brandon Bourne: [Desparately] Jess, can't you understand what this is for me. I'm like a drunk who knows liquor will wreck him. He hates it. He hides from it. He... he tries!
- Jessie Bourne: What are you asking for? Permission?
- Isabel Lorrison: [Entering her apartment] I'll get you a drink.
- Brandon Bourne: I can say what I have to without one.
- Isabel Lorrison: But I'm not sure I can listen without one.
- Brandon Bourne: I've always loved my wife. That shouldn't be news to you.
- Isabel Lorrison: Of course, you met me after you were married. But, then maybe that wasn't love?
- Brandon Bourne: Whatever it was, it's over!
- [He walks away and she follows]
- Isabel Lorrison: Maybe it wasn't love. Maybe it was only chemistry. Or, the right combination. Or a miracle! But, most people drag though their whole lives without finding it. We both know that, don't we, Brand.
- Jessie Bourne: Horace, you're looking very handsome tonight.
- Horace Elcott Howland: And so are you. My, that's a beautiful gown.
- Jessie Bourne: Brandon chose it.
- Nora Kernan: You're always much gayer when Brandon chooses your dresses.
- Brandon Bourne: Nora Kernan, Horace and I don't come here every Thursday night to talk women talk.
- Brandon Bourne: Are you a model?
- Rosa Senta: Yes. Is this a new kind of approach?
- Brandon Bourne: Only in a matter of speaking.
- Rosa Senta: Good, then I won't worry.
- Brandon Bourne: Why don't you dance with me?
- Rosa Senta: Any reason why I should?
- Brandon Bourne: Any reason why you shouldn't?
- Brandon Bourne: What's your name?
- Rosa Senta: Rosa Senta.
- Brandon Bourne: Italian?
- Rosa Senta: Yes. And you're bred and born aren't you? Seventh? Or, Ninth? Or, something?
- Brandon Bourne: Only the Third. How do you know?
- Rosa Senta: You're wife comes into the store quite often. Everyone likes her.
- Brandon Bourne: I like her too. Since you know I'm married, I suppose you wouldn't consider sitting down with me with your ginger ale?
- Rosa Senta: Sure. I'm curious about guys like you.
- Brandon Bourne: What are you curious about with guys like me?
- Rosa Senta: Well, doesn't your wife dance?
- Brandon Bourne: Brilliantly.
- Rosa Senta: Yeah. She's prettier than I am, she dresses better, and she' probably a lot smarter. Everything I can do, chances are, she can do better. So, what do you want to be sitting here with me for? What is it with guys like you? What goes on in your fuzzy little heads?
- Brandon Bourne: What do you want, my philosophy of marriage? Well, I'm a reformed character, you see. Yes, really. But, before I reformed, I suppose my thinking went something like this: Just because a man has one perfect rose in his garden at home, it doesn't mean that he can't appreciate the flowers of the field. Does that make sense?
- Rosa Senta: Oh sure, but, while you were out sniffing around these other little wildflowers, didn't the rose kind of fade?
- Brandon Bourne: Practically out of the picture. That's why I reformed.
- Rosa Senta: I think I better be getting back to my friends.
- Isabel Lorrison: Yes, why don't you.
- Brandon Bourne: Isabel.
- Isabel Lorrison: And thank you for keeping Mr. Bourne amused.
- Rosa Senta: You're good for a few laughs yourself.
- Brandon Bourne: A year of travel hasn't improved your manners, Isabel.
- Isabel Lorrison: Was it my manners that interested you?
- Brandon Bourne: What interests me now is what you want?
- Isabel Lorrison: Nothing - that should frighten you.
- Brandon Bourne: If you have something to say, say it at once, I haven't much time.
- Isabel Lorrison: Oh, not here.
- Brandon Bourne: Why not? Is your Mr. Dawning jealous?
- Isabel Lorrison: Well, naturally. I may be a year older, Brand; but, I haven't lost my touch. Let's go for a little walk. For old times sake? Or, even just to prove that you're not afraid of the dark.
- Isabel Lorrison: I never get used to New York.
- Brandon Bourne: I don't know why not? It got used to you.
- Isabel Lorrison: He wants to marry me. It would even things up, wouldn't it? We'd both be married. It would make things so much fairer - from now on.
- Brandon Bourne: From now on?
- Brandon Bourne: When we run into each other.
- Brandon Bourne: Rosa's a model at "Mary Ann's". She's seen you there. Admired you. She didn't want me to get into a mess that might upset you. Incidentally, she was very disapproving of me for being out alone. She said she'd cut my heart out if she were you.
- Jessie Bourne: You wouldn't be any good to me without a heart. You wouldn't be able to love me.
- Brandon Bourne: There's a certain note of richness I don't quite remember.
- Isabel Lorrison: My standard of living has risen.
- Brandon Bourne: Let us praise Alec Dawning, from whom all blessings flow.