Barbara Stanwyck credited as playing...
Jessie Bourne
- Brandon Bourne: [Desparately] Jess, can't you understand what this is for me. I'm like a drunk who knows liquor will wreck him. He hates it. He hides from it. He... he tries!
- Jessie Bourne: What are you asking for? Permission?
- [first lines]
- Jessie Bourne: Yes, this is my town. It's not new to you. You're read books about it. You've seen it in movies. People are always talking about New York. It's the most exciting city in the world, they say. The most glamorous, the most frightening and, above all, the fastest. You hear a great deal about the tempo of this city, it's speed, it's pace, it's driving heartbeat. Perhaps, it's true - for visitors. But, I was born here. I live here. And the only pace I know is the pace of my own life. The only beat I hear is the beat of my own heart. For me and for millions of others, New York is home. The days follow each other quietly, as they do in most places.
- Jessie Bourne: Horace, you're looking very handsome tonight.
- Horace Elcott Howland: And so are you. My, that's a beautiful gown.
- Jessie Bourne: Brandon chose it.
- Nora Kernan: You're always much gayer when Brandon chooses your dresses.
- Brandon Bourne: Nora Kernan, Horace and I don't come here every Thursday night to talk women talk.
- Brandon Bourne: Rosa's a model at "Mary Ann's". She's seen you there. Admired you. She didn't want me to get into a mess that might upset you. Incidentally, she was very disapproving of me for being out alone. She said she'd cut my heart out if she were you.
- Jessie Bourne: You wouldn't be any good to me without a heart. You wouldn't be able to love me.
- Helen Lee: All right, Jess. Would you like me to go now? Or, shall I say and make what's known as girl talk: clothes, gossip, the high price of this-and-that?
- Jessie Bourne: Helen, you're angry.
- Helen Lee: Yes, about the lies that are told about women! That they aren't capable of affection for one another and honest friendship. Because the terrible part is that women believe these lies. I'm concerned about and I'm afraid to ask. I'm afraid you'll think I'm prying. And, yet, if I don't ask - what kind of a friend am I?
- Helen Lee: You've never talked about it, Jess, and...
- Jessie Bourne: There's a kind of trouble you hate to think anyone knows about it. It's like knowing a safety pin's holding up your petticoat. You're ashamed, but - oh well, the petticoat is mended now.
- Helen Lee: Is it?
- Jessie Bourne: I think I want this dress.
- Saleswoman: Well, certainly Mrs. Bourne. Sit down Rosa and show Mrs. Bourne how nicely it relaxes.
- Rosa Senta: Who were those men at the airport?
- Mark Dwyer: Oh, I'm being made love to by various magazines and newspapers.
- Jessie Bourne: Because of your book, "The Syndicate Man"?
- Mark Dwyer: Yeah.
- Jessie Bourne: One of my best friends is among those making love to you. Owen Lee.
- Jessie Bourne: You ask a great many questions!
- Mark Dwyer: Why, don't get mad. There's a great many things I don't know.
- Rosa Senta: How do you like Mark?
- Jessie Bourne: Oh, tremendously!
- Rosa Senta: He thinks you're terrific. He said, "What a dame!"
- Mark Dwyer: Do you always look this good?
- Jessie Bourne: No, I tried especially hard tonight.
- Mark Dwyer: For me, I suppose?
- Jessie Bourne: Well, of course!
- Mark Dwyer: Please, don't tell me that we're strangers. Not again. Because, you know that isn't true.
- Jessie Bourne: No, it isn't true. I'm - comfortable with you.
- Mark Dwyer: Yeah, well, it happens that way.
- Brandon Bourne: I knew it was a trick, but, she made me take her home.
- Jessie Bourne: What did she do? Drug you?
- Brandon Bourne: Jessie, listen to me.
- Jessie Bourne: Why? Will it be fun to tell me all the details?
- Brandon Bourne: You're going to listen...
- Jessie Bourne: To what? To some dirty little story?
- Brandon Bourne: I'll clear things up at the office, get our tickets, pick you up here about 6:30 and we'll be dining on the train at eight. You love eating on trains, Jess.
- Jessie Bourne: You know I do!
- Isabel Lorrison: Sorry I'm not more subtle. But, you must remember, I haven't had your advantages. When your mother was busy being the Great Lady of the theater, mine was in a burlesque show on 14th Street. And when your mother sent you to Miss Cavanaugh's School for nice, young ladies, I was slingin' hash! Oh, you learned how to pour tea properly and how to cross your legs at the ankles only - and that plain pumps make you a lady, but, putting bows on them make you something else. You learned how to make a good marriage. But, like all your kind, you think by marrying a man, you've done enough. Well, there's one thing that Miss Cavanaugh forgot to teach you. Something I learned: how to keep a man. How to keep him wanting you!
- Jessie Bourne: My husband doesn't want you. He's finished with you. He told me so last night.
- Isabel Lorrison: I'll call him and he'll come running.
- Mark Dwyer: I lived four blocks from her. When I was a kid I used to play games in these streets.
- Jessie Bourne: Olly olly oxen free.
- Mark Dwyer: How did you know that?
- Jessie Bourne: She was all that stood between us. But, now that she's gone, there's nothing between us. Nothing.