Ethel Barrymore credited as playing...
The Mother Superior ('Mother Auxilia')
- Mother Superior: [Referring to a previous conversation about religion and its inefficacy in wartime] Like that ladder...
- Col. Michael S. 'Hooky' Nicobar: The ladder?
- Mother Superior: There is the ladder, there is the ceiling and there is the paint. If you want the ceiling painted, someone must climb the ladder.
- Col. Michael S. 'Hooky' Nicobar: Yes, you, um, need a painter.
- Mother Superior: But suppose the painter remains at the foot of the ladder? You cannot say that the ladder has failed you, or the paint has failed you, or the ceiling has failed you.
- Col. Michael S. 'Hooky' Nicobar: No, no you can't.
- Mother Superior: I know about you more than you know about yourself. You want the ceiling painted but... all the cruelty in the world, all the horror and tragedy you see, these you do not oppose with your own courage. You do not try to replace them with your own high hopes for the world and the human race. You complain that God has failed you. No, my friend. God has not failed man- man has failed God. For every man knows what God wants him to do.
- Col. Michael S. 'Hooky' Nicobar: Reverend Mother, just... just what are you actually going to say to the Holy Father?
- Mother Superior: I'm going to ask his Holiness what to do about the men and women who have all the answers and believe in God but are not official Christians.
- Col. Michael S. 'Hooky' Nicobar: Well, in you practical way, I... I hope you are going to get his Holiness to "talk turkey."
- Mother Superior: Oh, we'll "talk turkey" all night.
- Major John 'Twingo' McPhimister: Reverend Mother, you're well... you're a trump!
- Mother Superior: Colonel Nicobar, you are a tramp!
- Col. Michael S. 'Hooky' Nicobar: A tramp?
- Mother Superior: Oh, a trump.