Moira Lister credited as playing...
- Jo: This your first visit to London?
- David 'Dai Number 9' Jones: Our first visit to England.
- Jo: But Wales is part of England!
- David 'Dai Number 9' Jones: Oh,
- [laughing]
- David 'Dai Number 9' Jones: shame on you!
- Thomas 'Twm' Jones: It's easy to see you've never been to Wales, Miss.
- Jo: That's right. Never been further west than the West End.
- Editor: Good Heavens, female miners! Whatever will the Coal Board think of next?
- David 'Dai Number 9' Jones: The young lady's not a miner, sir!
- Jo: No, I was 22 last birthday.
- David 'Dai Number 9' Jones: Is it far to St. Paul's? I've never been to a Cathedral before.
- Jo: Neither have I.
- David 'Dai Number 9' Jones: Oh, you Chapel too?