Lon McCallister credited as playing...
Ted Knowles
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: You know, you've got an accent just like old Shawn. On you I like it.
- Margaret O'Hara: My, you're a fast starter.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: That's my reputation. Then you did know all along who I was.
- Margaret O'Hara: I found out.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Interested?
- Margaret O'Hara: I should have known you were a jockey.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Oh, that's all right. I can't expect you to know everything before we've even got started.
- Margaret O'Hara: Jockey's have sort of a special something about them that's easy to tell.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Uh, the bandy legs?
- Margaret O'Hara: 'Tis more a secret thing of the spirit, I'm thinking.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Say, what's your name?
- Margaret O'Hara: Margaret O'Hara.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Margaret. I'll tell you what, Margaret. I'll win my first race this year for you, if you promise to be there with maybe a two-spot on his nose.
- Margaret O'Hara: No. Never.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Why not?
- Margaret O'Hara: It would be bringing back a black memory to torment me.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Well, now who's talking crazy? Look, Margaret, I've got to work a couple more horses. Where can I see you again soon?
- Margaret O'Hara: No place at all.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: No place at all? Am I that hard on the eyes?
- Margaret O'Hara: You're not hard on the eyes at all, Ted, but you're a jockey. Goodbye.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Say, I think your niece is swell.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: Well, you can't start an argument with me that way, me boy.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: I just wanted to know if it'd be okay by you if I dated her.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: And if it shouldn't be okay by me, I'm thinking you'd start an argument.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Well, I thought maybe you had it in for jocks, too. Darned if I don't think I'd stand a better chance with her if I were a stable boy. She's a mystery, that Margaret is. You know, Mr. O'Hara, maybe you could put in a good word for me.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: Well, now, being the kind of man you are, Ted, I've an idea you can solve that mystery without my help. However, I might be willing to put in a word here and there if you do me a bit of a favor in return.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Anything you say.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: I'll not say much. Just buy that colt there, Seabiscuit.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Me, buy that little squirt? What for?
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: I like him.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: But he hasn't got a chance. George doesn't think so either, or he wouldn't be shipping him.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: I think you're both mistaken.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Well, if you're so sure, why don't you buy him yourself?
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: No, no. So long as I train for other people, I'll never race one of me own. I might be tempted to give him special consideration.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: I feel the same way myself.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: Listen, Ted, you just finished third on a colt that could have won.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Oh, is that so? The bad ride beat him, huh?
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: No. His disposition beat him. He's too friendly, too sociable for his own good. Now, I've been working on an idea. I cut two holes in his blinkers, and here's what you've got to do. The next time you start with him, take him to the front if you can. When you can see the head of a horse closing in on you out of the corner of your eye, hit the Biscuit with all the power that's in you, three times, no more. After that, hand ride him to the wire. Is that clear now?
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Sure, that's easy.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: And get this. Do it every time you start, three terrible, hard cuts.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Okay, then what?
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: He'll soon learn it's not play, and it won't be long till you notice him cocking an ear back to listen at what's coming up behind. After that, you'll not need the whip. He'll get up and go to get away from it when he gets a peek at the closing horse through the holes in his blinkers.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Well, it won't hurt to try. I'll ride him just that way.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: I think it'll work.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Margaret's in Los Angeles, isn't she?
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: Yes, she's a full-fledged nurse now.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: You know, I can't get her out of my mind.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: Maybe you don't want to. Are you in love with her, Ted?
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: You're darn tooting.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: I'm tooting she's in love with you, too.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: So, that ought to make it a sure thing, but it doesn't.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: You'll have to bear with her, Ted. She's running away from Danny's memory.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: But she's not running away from it, Shawn. It's right with her all the time. I wonder if she saw me ride a winner if maybe that would fix things. What do you think?
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: That's an idea. I'll have her at the track for the San Carlos.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Oh, that'll be great.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: Get down, Tom. Lead him around once. That's bad.
- Charles S. Howard, Seabiscuit's Owner: What's the matter?
- Mrs. Charles S. Howard: What is it?
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: The way he was using his right foreleg.
- Mrs. Charles S. Howard: His leg? I didn't notice it.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: I hope it's not what I'm thinking it is.
- Charles S. Howard, Seabiscuit's Owner: What is it, Shawn?
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: Tom, get the vet.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Yes, sir.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: I can't rightly tell, but I don't like the feel of the leg at all.
- Mrs. Charles S. Howard: But Shawn, he wasn't limping badly.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: He was trying not to, bless his heart, but I doubt very much if he'll be able to run in the Santa Anita.
- Mrs. Charles S. Howard: Oh, no.
- Charles S. Howard, Seabiscuit's Owner: That's terrible news.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: A good soldier, home from the wars.
- Mrs. Charles S. Howard: So many, many battles, poor darling.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: No Santa Anita for us, fellow.
- Charles S. Howard, Seabiscuit's Owner: Don't say that yet, Ted.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: What else would I say?
- Charles S. Howard, Seabiscuit's Owner: I don't know. What about it, Shawn?
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: The stud is the place for him, sir.
- Charles S. Howard, Seabiscuit's Owner: He can't be brought back?
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: I don't think so.
- Mrs. Charles S. Howard: But Charlie, he's earned a rest.
- Charles S. Howard, Seabiscuit's Owner: You brought back Golden Girl, remember?
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: A young thing that ran half a dozen races with a feather on her back. He's run near 100, 30 of them in record time with high weight on him.
- Charles S. Howard, Seabiscuit's Owner: Then there's no chance?
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: A faint one, if any.
- Charles S. Howard, Seabiscuit's Owner: Faint or not, we'll take it. Not even you can talk me off the Biscuit, Shawn.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: As you say, sir.
- Charles S. Howard, Seabiscuit's Owner: Well, what's the program?
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: Well, give up everything else and devote ourselves to nursing him alone.
- Charles S. Howard, Seabiscuit's Owner: All right, that's it. Ted, you stay and help us. We'll bring you back, too.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Thank you, sir. I'll stay.
- Margaret O'Hara: Aren't you going to have some of your chocolate cake? Wong makes it grand.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: No, I can't touch it. But, I could have some if... Margaret, listen to me. You wouldn't marry Ted Knowles the jockey. Would you marry Ted Knowles your Uncle Shawn's assistant?
- Margaret O'Hara: Ted, do you really think he meant you?
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Yes, that scheming, conniving old faker. He's as sound as he ever was. You know what I think? You put him up to it.
- Margaret O'Hara: Oh, no, Ted. It was his idea entirely.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: You O'Haras. I think maybe I'm marrying a -
- [Margaret kisses him]
- Margaret O'Hara: An O'Hara will do anything to get what he wants. At least, that's the way it is with this O'Hara.
- [Ted kisses her]
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: [pulls out a wedding ring] Here. Try this on.
- Margaret O'Hara: Oh, Ted, darling. It's sparkling like my heart. And how did you happen to bring it along tonight? Could it be, now, that you've planned the whole thing with Uncle Shawn?
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: No. I bought it the day before I went to the hospital. I've been carrying it around just in case. The O'Haras have nothing on the Knowles when it comes to getting what they want.
- Margaret O'Hara: Ted, darling, you're a wonderful boy to give up what you love best for me.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: What I used to love best doesn't count anymore. You're my favorite across the board.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: Ted, I've just had news of a startling nature. George Woolf has signed to ride Heel Fly for the Circle F.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: No kidding?
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: We're in a pickle. And there's only one way out.
- [looking pointedly at Ted]
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: That's a bad break. No, sir. Nothing doing. I'm going to be sitting up in the grand stand with my best girl by my side.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: Ted. Just a minute. Now, see here, lad. You brought this about. You'd no right to tell George you were definitely riding the Biscuit.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Now, wait a minute...
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: Now, don't attempt to evade the situation. It rests squarely on your strong, young shoulders. Would you let Mr. Howard down? And through Mr. Howard me, your uncle-to-be? And through me, Margaret, the girl you love?
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Look who's talking. Who got me to give up riding? Who talked about food until I was starving to death?
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: Aw, food is for pigs.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Who practically forced me to take the job of assistant trainer?
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: It was an old man talking to you, boy. An old man with the blood dried in his veins. You should never listen to such nonsense.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: I don't know. No that I think about it, I kind of like the idea of sitting in the grandstand.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: Oh, the saints preserve us! Did I ever think I'd see a young jock with the hot blood in him ready to swap a seat on a horse for one on the grandstand?
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: You can talk all you want. It won't do any good. I gave Margaret my promise.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: Ah, yes, but was your heart in your promise? Do you really want to see some other jockey on the Biscuit in the handicap? Are you the sort of boy that any old fool like meself can talk out of the greatest thrill in the world, winning the Santa Anita? What's sitting in the grandstands compared to checking your horse at the starting gate? And the gate sprung, and you're off. You feel Seabiscuit running swift and sure...
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Cut it out. You know I'd give my right eye to be up there.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: You shouldn't have interrupted. I had the race all but won for you.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: But I won't be winning it. When Margaret comes back she expects to find me a trainer. And that's just what I'm gonna be.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: Ted, a word to the wise. The O'Hara women are not inclined to favor men they can dominate. I recall sadly the case of my great Aunt Sheila, rest her soul. A beauty if ever there was one, and every young man for miles around showed he's willing to be a slave. She went to the grave an old maid. She didn't want slaves. She wanted to be one. Now, Margaret is much like Sheila.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Well, I'll write to Margaret, and if she says...
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: No, no, no. Let me do the telling. When she sees you again, she'll melt in your arms, loving you the more because you're a headstrong young bucko with a will of your own. No, let me do the telling. She's and O'Hara, and the O'Hara's understand each other and stick to each other through thick and thin.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Okay, Shawn. You've got yourself a boy. Providing you square it with the future Mrs. Knowles.
- Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer: Right. Now get in the hot box and sweat off that steak and chocolate layer cake. Quickly now, or do I have to take the whip to you!
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Margaret.
- Margaret O'Hara: Was ever a woman so humiliated, to have her man stolen by a horse?
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: You don't really mean that it's over?
- Margaret O'Hara: 'Tis not tricks that I'm up to, Ted. I came to say goodbye and to wish the two of you, you and Seabiscuit, the best of luck.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: But, I thought you'd be able to forgive me when you saw how it was.
- Margaret O'Hara: Forgive you for allowing Uncle Shawn's evil, old tongue to sway you?
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: I'm not hiding behind your uncle.
- Margaret O'Hara: The old conniver. Oh, aren't you now? I suppose he had nothing to do with it.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: I would have done it anyway. Because I love you, I thought it was the right thing for me to quit riding. But it wasn't right because it made me quit a loser. And this much I do know about the O'Haras, you wouldn't want a man that was a loser. So, I'll quit a winner or not at all.
- Margaret O'Hara: Is that all you have to say, Ted?
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: That's all Margaret. Except, I love you.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Well, there he is. Boy, would I like to take him to the post again.
- Margaret O'Hara: Ted.
- Ted Knowles, Jockey: Don't worry. He spoils you for riding any other horse. And look, baby, I'm not a jockey anymore. When those boys are out there fighting for position with mud in their eyes, I'm sitting up in the stands...
- Margaret O'Hara: I know. Nice and easy with my little old sweetheart beside me.