This was the last TV show that was featured on the "Industrial Strength Keaton" DVD collection that showcased the molasses sketch there. It's pretty much the same as the Ed Wynn one with Billy Gilbert taking Wynn's place. One very amusing addition here was Gilbert's trademark sneeze that blows Buster's head off. There's another amusing scene when Buster almost slips off the floor. I also loved the gag, also reprised from the Wynn show, of one of those cue cards Buster carries saying someone stuck in the river needed help with the store proprietor almost running off before another card saying "That's the wrong picture"! Oh, and one more thing: This is the version of the sketch that actually has some of the final moments missing, not the one on "The Ken Murray Show" originally cited by the DVD booklet's author. So on that note, I recommend this version of this particular sketch that's on the DVD I just mentioned.