Josephine Hull credited as playing...
Veta Louise Dowd Simmons
- The Taxi Driver: ...I've been driving this route for 15 years. I've brought 'em out here to get that stuff, and I've drove 'em home after they had it. It changes them... On the way out here, they sit back and enjoy the ride. They talk to me; sometimes we stop and watch the sunsets, and look at the birds flyin'. Sometimes we stop and watch the birds when there ain't no birds. And look at the sunsets when its raining. We have a swell time. And I always get a big tip. But afterwards, oh oh...
- Veta Louise Simmons: "Afterwards, oh oh"? What do you mean, "afterwards, oh oh"?
- The Taxi Driver: They crab, crab, crab. They yell at me. Watch the lights. Watch the brakes, Watch the intersections. They scream at me to hurry. They got no faith in me, or my buggy. Yet, it's the same cab, the same driver. and we're going back over the very same road. It's no fun. And no tips... After this he'll be a perfectly normal human being. And you know what stinkers they are! I'm glad I met you.
- Veta Louise Simmons: I took a course in art last winter. I learnt the difference between a fine oil painting, and a mechanical thing, like a photograph. The photograph shows only the reality. The painting shows not only the reality, but the dream behind it. It's our dreams, doctor, that carry us on. They separate us from the beasts. I wouldn't want to go on living if I thought it was all just eating, and sleeping, and taking my clothes off, I mean putting them on...
- Mrs. Ethel Chauvenet: Does Elwood see anybody these days?
- Veta Louise Simmons: Oh, yes, Aunt Ethel, Elwood sees *somebody*.
- Veta Louise Simmons: Oh, Myrtle, don't be didactic. It's not becoming in a young girl. Besides, men loathe it.
- Wilson: Hello, sweetheart. Well, well. Those for me?
- Veta Louise Simmons: [Picking flowers] For you? I should say not. They're for my brother, Elwood. He's devoted to ranunculur.
- Wilson: Sure. Well, wouldn't you like to come inside and pick some off the wallpaper.
- Veta Louise Simmons: Well - no thank you, these will do nicely. Good day.
- Veta Louise Simmons: As I was going down to the taxi cab to get Elwood's things, this awful man stepped out. He was a white slaver, I know he was. He was wearing one of those white suits, that's how they advertise.
- Dr. Chumley: I'm Dr. Chumley. You're Mrs. Simmons, of course.
- Veta Louise Simmons: Yes, well, I'm glad to know you, Dr. Chumley. Would you mind asking Judge Gaffney to come back here?
- Dr. Chumley: Why, certainly, certainly.
- Veta Louise Simmons: I want to tell him to sue you for $100,000. I don't think $50,000 is enough.
- Veta Louise Simmons: Judge Gaffney, is that all those doctors do in places like that - think about sex?
- Judge Gaffney: I don't know.
- Veta Louise Simmons: Because if it is they ought to be ashamed of themselves. It's all in their heads anyway. Why don't they get out and take long walks in the fresh air?
- Myrtle Mae Simmons: Mother, why did grandmother leave all of her property to Uncle Elwood?
- Veta Louise Simmons: I suppose it was because she died in his arms. People are sentimental about things like that.
- Elwood P. Dowd: Well, I think this calls for a celebration! Why don't we all go down to Charlie's Place and have a drink?
- Veta Louise Simmons: You're not going anywhere, Elwood. You're staying right here.
- Myrtle Mae Simmons: Yes, Uncle Elwood.
- Judge Gaffney: Stay here, son.
- Elwood P. Dowd: I plan to leave, you want me to stay. Oh, an element of conflict in any discussion is a very good thing. It shows everybody is taking part and nobody is left out. I like that.
- Myrtle Mae Simmons: Oh, mother, why can't we live like other people.
- Veta Louise Simmons: Myrtle Mae, do I have to keep reminding you? Your Uncle Elwood is not living with us, we're living with him.
- Myrtle Mae Simmons: Living with him and his pal!
- Veta Louise Simmons: You promised.
- Myrtle Mae Simmons: His pal Harvey!
- Veta Louise Simmons: You said that name! You promised you wouldn't say that name and you said it.
- Myrtle Mae Simmons: Who'd want me?
- Veta Louise Simmons: Oh, Mrytle, dear, you're sweet! And you have so much to offer. I don't care what anyone says, there's something sweet about every young girl. And a man takes that sweetness and look what he does with it. Oh, show some poise dear!
- Judge Gaffney: Anything you told Dr. Sanderson, you can tell us Veta Louise. She's your daughter and I'm your lawyer.
- Veta Louise Simmons: I know which is which. I don't want to talk about it.
- Veta Louise Simmons: This is my daughter, Myrtle Mae.
- Mrs. Ethel Chauvenet: My dear, you're your grandmother all over again. I was at her funeral.
- Veta Louise Simmons: Myrtle Mae I hope that never, never, as long as you live, a man tears the clothes off you and sets you down in a tub of water.
- Veta Louise Simmons: It's Dowd. Elwood P. Dowd.
- Miss Kelly: Elwood P. Dowd. His age?
- Veta Louise Simmons: Forty-two the twenty-fourth of last April. He's Taurus. Taurus, the bull. I'm Leo and Myrtle's on the cusp.
- Veta Louise Simmons: Doctor, everything I say to you is confidential, isn't it?
- Dr. Sanderson: I am not a gossip, Mrs. Simmons. I am a psychiatrist.