- New York Times [Bosley Crowther]
- 2,500 Movies Challenge [Dave Becker]
- AllOfCinema.com [Evgeniy Nefyodov]
- Russian
- At-A-Glance
- Cinecaps Digest
- Classic Film Freak
- Common Sense Media [Nell Minow]
- Decent Films [Steven D. Greydanus]
- Deluxe Video Online [Neil Worcester]
- Derek Winnert [Derek Winnert]
- Film Frenzy [Matt Brunson]
- I Kassen [David Bjerre]
- Danish
- If You Want the Gravy... [James Teller]
- In meinem Herzen haben viele Filme Platz [Frank Stegemann]
- German
- KQEK - DVD [Mark R. Hasan]
- L'Oeil sur l'Ecran
- French
- Laura's Miscellaneous Musings [Laura Grieve]
- Matt vs. the Academy [Matt Foster]
- Movie Master [Frank Ehrlacher]
- German
- Movie Mirror [Sanderson Beck]
- Naturalistic Uncanny Marvelous [Gene Phillips]
- New York Times [Bosley Crowther]
- News from the Boston Becks [Erik Beck]
- Ozus' World [Dennis Schwartz]
- Philm [Tobias Lynge Herler]
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- RazorFine [Alan Rapp]
- Rotten Tomatoes [Nation's Top Critics]
- Ruthless Reviews (potentially offensive) [Matt]
- Scifist [Janne Wass]
- Solzy at the Movies [Danielle Solzman]
- Starving Dog [Shawn S. Lealos]
- The Ace Black Blog [Ace Black]
- The City Review [Carter B. Horsley]
- The Movie Scene [Andy Webb]
- Thrill Me Softly [Stefan Hedmark]
- Through the Shattered Lens [Lisa Marie Bowman]
- Trailers from Hell - Blu-Ray [Charlie Largent]
- Turner Classic Movies [Jeremy Arnold]
- Video Junkie [Thomas T. Sueyres]
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