Ruth Hussey credited as playing...
Meg Norton
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: Mother, have you been playing bridge... any of these nights?
- Louisa Norton: No, son. I've been seeing a good deal of Mr. Hammond.
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: Well, don't you think you might have told us?
- Cathy Norton: She's ashamed because he's a grocer.
- Meg Norton: Cathy, don't you ever say that again.
- Meg Norton: You just can't get used to the idea of your mother getting married, can you?
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: Meg, I have a responsibility here. Mother has a comfortable income. She's just at the age to be an easy prey for the first fortune hunter who comes along.
- Meg Norton: Hal, you don't believe a word you're saying.
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: Meg, you never really knew dad. You never played baseball with him.
- Meg Norton: I never played baseball with him, but I was very fond of him.
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: I'll have another talk with mother.
- Meg Norton: When?
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: Right now. I guess.
- Meg Norton: Hal, promise me something. You'll do the talking this time.
- Meg Norton: Hal, where are you going?
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: I'm going to walk at least five miles to cool off. I'm celebrating the happiest day of my life.
- Louisa Norton: Good night, children.
- Meg Norton: More bridge tonight, mother?
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: Don't the ladies ever get tired of playing cards?
- Louisa Norton: Oh, you don't ever get tired of anything you really enjoy.
- Meg Norton: You look absolutely lovely, mother. The hat's so becoming.
- Louisa Norton: Oh, thank you. It's one I've had for years. The milliner said it suggested a touch of class.
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: It's a crime to waste it on a lot of women.
- Louisa Norton: Now, son, heh heh.
- Louisa Norton: Oh, uh, by the way. I may be a little later than usual tonight.
- Meg Norton: That's all right, mother. You're a big girl.
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: And we trust you.
- Louisa Norton: Eh, heh, heh.
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: This is all our fault.
- Meg Norton: Now, Hal.
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: No, we weren't satisfied. We laid down the law to mother about making a new life. We drove her right into the arms of the first grocer who came along.
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: Meg, you're a genius. This month's grocery bill is down $25. How did you do it?
- Meg Norton: Well, to tell you the truth, Hal, I don't under it myself. For some strange reason, we've suddenly become Mr. Hammond's favorite customers. He's even sent over all sorts of delicacies - smoked ham, imported sardines, fresh pineapple, and... and without any charge at all.
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: Well, it doesn't make sense. He's a businessman. He must have some reason.
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: Chris can sleep over at Tommy's. He's done it before.
- Abel Burnside: If the little fella wouldn't mind too much.
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: Ahhh!
- Meg Norton: Oh, he won't mind, Mr. Burnside. Chris is just like his father - easily moved around.
- Meg Norton: Things are going swimmingly, aren't they?
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: Meg, at this stage of the game, I don't care who my mother marries, just let her make up her mind. Then we can all relax.
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: We'll be able to get by and you won't have to give up Gladys.
- [the cook and housekeeper]
- Meg Norton: You're just afraid of my cooking.
- Cathy Norton: [at Louisa's wedding] Mother, how can you be so sentimental?
- Meg Norton: [wiping her tears] Cathy, it's just beautiful at any age.
- Meg Norton: Here, this ought to make you feel better.
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: There's no coffee in the world can do that - regardless of what the advertisers tell ya.
- Stacy Walker - Square Dance Caller: How many of you gentlemen feel strong? Our next contest - Indian wrestling.
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: Who dreamed this one up? Is this a dance or a track meet?
- Meg Norton: Shhh. I thought it would be nice for the young people. We have to consider them too.
- Meg Norton: I'm sure Mr. Burnside will change his mind after all the fuss dies down.
- Harold 'Hal' Norton: Ohhhh, no. There is no fury like a discarded lover of 65. Particularly when it's Mr. Burnside.