Clark Gable credited as playing...
Mike Brannan
- Mike Brannan: You figure on doing another column on me?
- Regina Forbes: You're only worth a couple of lines now.
- Mike Brannan: Well, don't write 'em! I've been risking my neck with this outfit.
- Regina Forbes: I hope they pay you well.
- Mike Brannan: A hundred bucks a show, and I've been saving every dime. I'm gonna drive with the big cars now, and what you wrote about me doesn't go with them. So I'm warning you. Lay off me in the future.
- Regina Forbes: [Amused] You're warning me?
- Mike Brannan: You better listen to what I'm saying, or I'll knock that smile off your face!
- Regina Forbes: [She laughs at him] Knock it off.
- [He slaps her]
- Regina Forbes: That's just about what I expect from you.
- Mike Brannan: The guys you run around with wouldn't do that, would they? Well, it's time somebody roughed you up a little! I can handle you, baby. You're just another dame to me!
- [He grabs her suddenly, kisses her, and leaves for his car. She looks after him with a subtle smile indicating she enjoyed it]
- Regina Forbes: [In awe of the Indianapolis track] Mike, I've never seen anything like this. It's terrific!
- Mike Brannan: So are you.
- Regina Forbes: It's like the 4th of July, and a heavyweight fight, and the World Series all rolled into one... Now I can see it takes a certain kind of guy...
- Mike Brannan: [after a brief pause] ... and that guy needs a certain kind of dame.
- Mike Brannan: [carrying Stanwyck in his arms] All the soft spots aren't on the track.
- Regina Forbes: Well, you keep your mind on the ones that are.
- Mike Brannan: Well, what can we do for you that already hasn't been done?
- Regina Forbes: You can give your eyes a rest and answer a few questions.
- Mike Brannan: There's nobody like you.
- Regina Forbes: What do you mean by that?
- Mike Brannan: Oh, you're not just any dame.
- Regina Forbes: Did you think I was?
- Mike Brannan: Sure. I told you, remember? Most dames are out for a few laughs, a couple of drinks.
- Regina Forbes: Spend a little time with them and then forget them.
- Mike Brannan: [Nodding] Doesn't work that way with you.
- Regina Forbes: Doesn't it?
- Mike Brannan: Stick around you long enough and something could happen.
- Regina Forbes: It happened a long time ago, Mike. You know that as well as I do.
- Mike Brannan: I know.
- Mike Brannan: [Angry about a newspaper headline about him] Did Regina Forbes tell you to print that?
- Newspaper Editor: Nobody tells me what to print. One of my reporters thought he recognized you. We checked up. You'll always be recognized. You were a war hero.
- Regina Forbes: [after a spontaneous kiss] What was that for?
- Mike Brannan: I just wanted to do it.
- Regina Forbes: You're some kind of guy!
- Mike Brannan: All the soft spots aren't on the track.
- Regina Forbes: Well, you keep your mind on the ones that are.
- Mike Brannan: How many times have I seen you?
- Regina Forbes: Oh, three or four. I don't know.
- Mike Brannan: You look better each time.
- Regina Forbes: You do too.
- Mike Brannan: You're somebody.
- Regina Forbes: Mike, don't you know? You're nobody until somebody loves you.
- Mike Brannan: I know it now. I never thought about that before.
- Regina Forbes: I hadn't either.
- Nurse: [to Regina, at Mike's hospital bedside] I think you'd better go now.
- Mike Brannan: She doesn't have to go until I pass out.
- Nurse: [as she checks the needle before giving Mike a shot] That won't be long.