Watch the Birdie (1950) Poster

Ann Miller: Miss Lucky Vista



  • Miss Lucky Vista : I can't understand it. I'm so beautiful, and everybody's always slugging me!

  • Mayor : It always gives me great pleasure to officiate at a meeting of this kind. It is really wonderful to look around and see so many fair faces.

    Rusty Cammeron : [Pop Cammeron's truck pulls up in front of the platform]  Right here, Pop!

    Mayor : It's...

    Rusty Cammeron : Pop, pull forward!

    [the truck moves forward] 

    Mayor : As the first item on the program, it is my privilege to present the winner of the Hale beauty contest: Miss Lucky Vista herself!

    [the band plays music as Miss Lucky Vista steps onto the platform] 

    Miss Lucky Vista : Having been chosen the most beautiful girl in the city by over 5,000 folk, I wish to thank everybody, including my mother and father.

    [applause as the mayor hands a ceremonial shovel to Miss Lucky Vista] 

    Miss Lucky Vista : Oh yes, and I officially present this silver shovel to Mrs. Hugh Shanway, the beautiful wife of our bank inspector. Oh, and thank you for your votes; you can find me every evening at the Rosewood dance hall, where I'm hostess.

    [a sailor in the crowd claps and says "Wow!"] 

    Miss Lucky Vista : Hiya, sailor.

  • Rusty Cammeron : Here's the film.

    [hands the box of chocolates to the projectionist by mistake] 

    Movie Projectionist : Okay, thanks.

    Rusty Cammeron : Oh Miss Corlane -

    [hands the film to the projectionist and takes the box of chocolates to Miss Corlane] 

    Rusty Cammeron : Oh, pardon me. Miss Corlane, I happen to have a box of candy for you.

    Lucia Corlane : Oh, thank you very much.

    [Rusty stumbles over the ottoman] 

    Lucia Corlane , Miss Lucky Vista : Oh!

    Miss Lucky Vista : Is he all right?

    Lucia Corlane : Are you hurt?

    Rusty Cammeron : No, I'm okay; that's a silly place to put furniture, I'm sorry.

  • Miss Lucky Vista : [Miss Lucky Vista runs into Mr. Shanway's arms]  Oh, why Mr. Shanway, why I had no idea you were so strong.

    Mr. Hugh Shanway : I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't the prettiest girl I ever saw.

    Miss Lucky Vista : You shouldn't say that, you're a married man.

    Mr. Hugh Shanway : Let's forget about the old battle-ax.

    Mrs. Shanway : Ohh! Ohh!

    Lucia Corlane : Please turn it off.

    [the film ends and the lights go on] 

    Mrs. Shanway : Hugh Shanway, you worm! You viper!

    Mr. Hugh Shanway : But honey, it...

    Mrs. Shanway : "Old battle-ax", huh? You know very well I'm only 29!

    Mr. Hugh Shanway : Honey, use some sense, that film's all mixed up. You know you didn't talk like a turkey to those people.

    Mrs. Shanway : You didn't talk like a married man to that skin tomato!

    Mr. Hugh Shanway : Oh honey, that dialogue was from another scene.

    Mrs. Shanway : And as for you trying to steal my husband, I ought to have you arrested for petty larceny!

    Miss Lucky Vista : Well what is she -

    [Mrs. Shanway pushes Miss Lucky Vista down into a chair and leaves] 

    Miss Lucky Vista : I don't know why she's so jealous of me, I'm not jealous of her!

  • Miss Lucky Vista : [watching film of herself modeling tight bathing suit]  You can't see my eyes!

See also

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