Wilson Wood credited as playing...
Woody - Steward
- Rusty Cammeron: Achoo!
- [camera bulb flashes]
- Rusty Cammeron: [examines the camera, then picks up the flash bulbs he knocked off the counter] I wonder if I broke those?
- Rusty Cammeron: [changes bulb] Better test them.
- Rusty Cammeron: [bulb flashes] That's a good one.
- Rusty Cammeron: [replaces bulb, it flashes] That's a good one.
- Rusty Cammeron: [replaces another bulb, no flash] Aha, I knew I broke one.
- [bulb goes off a second later]
- Rusty Cammeron: [Rusty hears birds tweeting] Oh, pardon me, welcome to Cammeron & Son & Son's photographic... Achoo!
- [sniffs]
- Rusty Cammeron: Pardon me, I fell in the water yesterday and caught a little cold. What can I do for you?
- Woody - Steward: I want a camera, anything costing $150.
- Rusty Cammeron: $150? Right this way.
- [walks over to the display counter]
- Rusty Cammeron: Here's a nice little camera for exactly $150; course, I got another one here for $49, it takes much better pictures.
- Woody - Steward: I'll take the $150 one.
- Rusty Cammeron: Oh, I'll put it in a nice little box for you.
- [customer leaves]
- Rusty Cammeron: Gee, that makes over $2,000 today.
- Rusty Cammeron: [wakes up aboard Miss Corlane's yacht] Oh no.
- [gets out of bed]
- Rusty Cammeron: Hey, what happened?
- Woody - Steward: You fell overboard again.
- Rusty Cammeron: Well, don't tell me she did it again?
- Woody - Steward: Yeah.
- Rusty Cammeron: Getting so a guy can't fall overboard that she doesn't dive in and save his life. Where is she?
- Woody - Steward: She told me to tell you that she's gone to South America.
- Rusty Cammeron: South America?
- Woody - Steward: Yeah.
- Rusty Cammeron: Boy, what a swimmer.