Many times I question who the real good guy is in these Tom and Jerry cartoons because sometimes Jerry is violent to the point of being sadistic....but there's no doubt that he's the "good guy" in this story. Jerry is trying to save a little goldfish from being part of a meal for Tom.
Tom had been listening to the radio (remember, this was pre-television days when everyone sat by their big radios) and hearing a French chef describe a fantastic fish dinner. It had Tom salivating. The chef says, "and finally the most important ingredient: one small, fresh fish." In seconds Tom realizes there is a goldfish in the house.
His demeanor turns from sweet, lovable pussycat to Jeffrey Dahmer. The rest of the story has Jerry trying the rescue the little fish from being boiled, filleted, barbecued and toasted.
There are some excellent sight gags in here, like Jerry walking through Tom's head to get to his mouse hole, using Tom's teeth like a pair of window shades and other far-out scenes.
Tom gets literally "bent out of shape" a number of times, but he deserved each one of them in this episode.
Overall, a lot of laughs and one of the better Tom and Jerry cartoons.