- Ann Challon: You could have kept him out of there.
- Cy Van Cleave: Yeah, guess maybe I could've, if I'd tried.
- Ann Challon: You swaggering stupid fool. If anything happens to him...
- Cy Van Cleave: [slaps Ann across the face] Some kind of talk I just can't listen to. Not even from a harpy like you.
- Cy Van Cleave: [to Ann] We should've been together right from the first, you know that. I'm your kind. You won't have to pose with me. It'll be like wriggling free from a tight corset after a day dressed for town.
- Ann Challon: [Giving him a drink] What were you thinking about?
- Prentice: I was thinking about us. About this. Marc is due back in a day or two. We've got to tell him the minute he arrives and get out of here.
- Ann Challon: And leave this ranch?
- Prentice: There's nothing for you here. You were meant for something better than this kind of frontier existence.
- Ann Challon: Why is that? I hope so. I didn't realize it until I met you. Darling, you know I'll be happy anywhere if we can be together. It's just, well, this place means a lot to me. It means you. It's where we met.
- Cy Van Cleave: Howdy. This is luck. I thought I was gonna have to ride all the way out to the ranch to see ya.
- Pierre Challon: Yeah?
- Cy Van Cleave: Yeah, they tell me you always got a bunk and a job for a good man.
- Pierre Challon: That's right, for a good man. But not for murderin' jailbirds like you.
- Cy Van Cleave: Important, ain't ya? Why not, with half a million acres behind ya. Somebody's gonna cut you Chllon's down to size one of these days.
- Pierre Challon: Don't get reckless. If you're broke, rent yourself a horse. Travel south. Greener grass down there.
- Cy Van Cleave: I like it here.
- Pierre Challon: Well then, I guess we'd better let the sheriff take care of ya and to change your mind.
- Marc Challon: Look, Ann, why don't you leave all that to me? I didn't marry a busineessman. This ranch doesn't need another manager. But I do need a wife. Why not just stick to that?
- Ann Challon: All I'm trying to do is help. Be a part of things. Everybody looks to Marc Challon for order or advice. Never to his wife.
- Marc Challon: [Looking out over his vast land'] Is that your fancy? The big country?
- Ann Challon: Is all of it yours?
- Marc Challon: As far as the eye can see.
- Ann Challon: It's magnificent. I never dreamt that anyone could have so much.
- Marc Challon: Having it's one thing. Keeping it is another. I don't mean to sound conceited, but...
- Ann Challon: Well, you have a right to be proud. All this land. Land's just land until somebody owns it... works it. Then it seems to lift you up.