Marilyn Monroe credited as playing...
Amanda Dell
- Amanda Dell: [musical number] No, don't turn TV on. Instead just turn me on. I light up like neon. Just a tiny section of your affection in my direction will do. Ooh.
- Jean-Marc Clement: How do people in show business look?
- Amanda Dell: They don't. I mean, a girl can walk around backstage with nothing on except her good will and nobody'll even turn his head. The same girl, fully dressed, walks down an aisle of clerks in an office - pinched black and blue. What's the matter with you people, anyway?
- Amanda Dell: The least you could have done is tell me who you are!
- Jean-Marc Clement: I did tell you.
- Amanda Dell: How did you expect me to believe it?
- Jean-Marc Clement: Because it was true.
- Amanda Dell: That's no excuse!
- Amanda Dell: [jazz number] My name is... Lolita... and uh... I'm not supposed to... play... with boys!
- Amanda Dell: [song] If I invite a boy some night to dine on my fine finnan haddie, I just adore his asking for more but my heart belongs to Daddy.
- Amanda Dell: Listen. There used to be an actor. He played Abraham Lincoln for so many years - this is true - he grew his own beard. He went around in a shawl and you know what they used to say? 'He looks like Lincoln. He talks like Lincoln. But he won't be satisfied till he gets shot!'
- Jean-Marc Clement: You must be pretty tired. How many times did you go through that dance today?
- Amanda Dell: Oh, I lost count. Matter of fact, sometimes I even trot home afterwards. You sleep better. You ever trot?
- Jean-Marc Clement: I'm just thinking.
- Amanda Dell: About what?
- Jean-Marc Clement: About how happy you are.
- Amanda Dell: Me? Happy?
- Jean-Marc Clement: Mmm-hmm. You seem able to forget yourself. That's the way you dance, and you walk in the street that way, too. You seem at home wherever you are. It must be a great feeling.
- Tony Danton: [song] Oh, the gentle art of conversation is deader than the dead sea scrolls. We've become the mutest kind of nation. We're un-communicating souls. No one talks. No one talks. It's something we seldom ever do. No one talks. No one talks.
- Amanda Dell: No one talks but... you.
- Jean-Marc Clement: Oh, are you a college girl?
- Amanda Dell: No. Night school. I'm getting my high school diploma.
- Jean-Marc Clement: What do you want to do with that for?
- Amanda Dell: I got tired of being ignorant. I never knew what people were referring to.
- Jean-Marc Clement: I hope you'll help me. I've never been on stage before.
- Amanda Dell: I knew. You can always tell an outsider.
- Jean-Marc Clement: How?
- Amanda Dell: Mostly the way they look at girls in rehearsal clothes.
- Amanda Dell: [singing] If you roar like a lion, I could coo like a dove, If you're sold, begin buying babe, Let's make love.
- Tony Danton: Gosh, It's hot...
- Amanda Dell: [singing] Plan some moonlight trips with me, Come to grips with me, Lips to lips with me, do, Oh-oh-oh, You'll just love my embraces, Cause they'll fit like a glove, We could get down to cases maybe, Kiss me baby, Let's make love.
- Tony Danton: My, oh my, but it's warm here.
- Amanda Dell: Let's make love.
- Tony Danton: I sure wore a tight collar.
- Amanda Dell: Let's make love.
- Tony Danton: I may need a salt tablet. Do you know a good doctor?
- Amanda Dell: Let's - make - love.
- Tony Danton: [musical number] They've each a trait that seems to state 'first-raters'
- Amanda Dell: Which separates them from the small per-tat-ers.
- Jean-Marc Clement: I am Jean-Marc Clement.
- Amanda Dell: Look! Enough's enough, Alexander!
- Jean-Marc Clement: Okay, call Berle, call Gene Kelly, call Bing Crosby! Come on!
- Amanda Dell: Sure. I'll go right out and get them on the phone. You get a kick out of this - who ever you are.
- [breaks down]
- Amanda Dell: I can't stand anyone that makes fun of me!