Frankie Vaughan credited as playing...
Tony Danton
- Tony Danton: [song] Oh, the gentle art of conversation is deader than the dead sea scrolls. We've become the mutest kind of nation. We're un-communicating souls. No one talks. No one talks. It's something we seldom ever do. No one talks. No one talks.
- Amanda Dell: No one talks but... you.
- Amanda Dell: [singing] If you roar like a lion, I could coo like a dove, If you're sold, begin buying babe, Let's make love.
- Tony Danton: Gosh, It's hot...
- Tony Danton: [singing] Hey You, With the crazy eyes, When you turn 'em on, I'm gone, Right up to the skies...
- Amanda Dell: [singing] Plan some moonlight trips with me, Come to grips with me, Lips to lips with me, do, Oh-oh-oh, You'll just love my embraces, Cause they'll fit like a glove, We could get down to cases maybe, Kiss me baby, Let's make love.
- Tony Danton: My, oh my, but it's warm here.
- Amanda Dell: Let's make love.
- Tony Danton: I sure wore a tight collar.
- Amanda Dell: Let's make love.
- Tony Danton: I may need a salt tablet. Do you know a good doctor?
- Amanda Dell: Let's - make - love.
- Tony Danton: [song] I got a father to support, a mother to support, a lazy loafin' good for nothin' brother to support.
- Tony Danton: [musical number] They've each a trait that seems to state 'first-raters'
- Amanda Dell: Which separates them from the small per-tat-ers.
- Tony Danton: [singing] You, You, You, With the crazy lips, When we start to kiss, Like this, My heart simply flips...