James Mason credited as playing...
Paul Delville
- Katrin Sveg: I want you to be the father of my baby. My heart is beating.
- [presses her solar plexus]
- Paul Delville: Mine has stopped.
- Katrin Sveg: I hope you're not angry?
- Paul Delville: Angry? Why should I be angry?
- Katrin Sveg: I hope you would understand. It's so important.
- Paul Delville: Would you do something for me? Would you please call my wife?
- Katrin Sveg: Is so happens that I'm in my early twenties, and you as an anthropologist with your knowledge of anatomical structure, you know that my physique is primed in readiness.
- Paul Delville: I would know that if I were a street-cleaner.
- Paul Delville: [caught watching Katrin sunbathing] I see nothing wrong in observing the classic symmetry of the human form. As a matter of fact she is one of the few people I have ever seen who has perfect feet.
- Content Delville: And perfect toes! Why don't you run out and nibble on them? I know, let's get our crayons and see who can draw the funniest picture of her behind... Oh, shucks, she's coming in. Don't put on that towel, Katrin - your fans want one more chorus!
- Paul Delville: You actually believe you're irresistible...
- Katrin Sveg: You actually believe I'm not?