James Stewart credited as playing...
Maj. Baldwin
- Major Baldwin: Colonel, I'm gonna blow up this road. Now, how can we keep the people off?
- Col. Kwan: Off?
- Major Baldwin: Well, I-I, I need them stopped for about ten minutes. Can you do it?
- Col. Kwan: How?
- Major Baldwin: Well, uh, how 'bout, uh, how 'bout if we get a couple of empty gasoline drums, put 'em on either side of the road, stretch a rope across.
- Col. Kwan: They'd go under the rope.
- Major Baldwin: Well, then we get some Chinese soldiers to explain to them, explain to them that we're cutting the road. How 'bout that?
- Col. Kwan: The soldiers will want to get through themselves.
- Major Baldwin: Well, could we give them something?
- Col. Kwan: What?
- Major Baldwin: Well, money?
- Col. Kwan: They cannot spend money here.
- Major Baldwin: Well, food. How 'bout food? We got 'K' rations, cigarettes. How about cigarettes? What'll they take for the job?
- [Kwan Says something in Chinese]
- Major Baldwin: [Angrily] I don't speak Chinese, Colonel.
- Col. Kwan: There is no way.
- Gen. Loomis: You know what command is, major?
- Maj. Baldwin: Well, sir, the book says...
- Gen. Loomis: Command is power. Pure, simple, unlimited.