Richard Egan credited as playing...
Dr. Edmond Chilton
- Dr. Edmond Chilton: [finding Pollyanna hidden behind a plant] Hello. Is this the town meeting?
- Pollyanna: Oh, no. It's in there. In the conservatory, for heaven's sake.
- Dr. Edmond Chilton: Oh. Are you one of the Ladies' Aid?
- Pollyanna: Oh, no. I'm just a child. I'm not even supposed to *be* here! Sh!
- Dr. Edmond Chilton: What's your name?
- Pollyanna: Pollyanna Whittier. That's my aunt over there, the pretty one. This is her house, and I live with her.
- Dr. Edmond Chilton: Sh!
- Pollyanna: Sh!
- Reverend Paul Ford: If we could all just be a little more quiet, cooperative, orderly, please. If we could all just stop shouting and cooperate, I'm sure...
- Aunt Polly: There is nothing wrong with that building! All it needs is new plumbing.
- Mayor Karl Warren: Today the plumbing, tomorrow the roof, and the Lord knows what - excuse me, Reverend - and who knows what's going to happen next!
- Aunt Polly: You were very happy when my father donated the building to the town.
- Mayor Karl Warren: Oh, for Pete's sake, Polly Harrington, listen to reason! It's a dilapidated old relic! The dining hall, the dispensary. Even my nephew Dr. Chilton there, he noticed that. Ed, tell them what you said.
- Dr. Edmond Chilton: I don't think I ought to say anything.
- Mayor Karl Warren: No, no, now, tell them what you said. I want them to hear it.
- Dr. Edmond Chilton: Well, I got a pretty good look at the dispensary when I fixed Mr. Geary's arm, and I mentioned it seemed a little inadequate for thirty-two children.
- Mayor Karl Warren: There, now you've heard it.
- Aunt Polly: We all thank you for your interest, Edmond, but it's an equipment problem. We're talking about Harrington House, which is a landmark in this town, and I intend to see that it stays that way.
- Mayor Karl Warren: It would cost more to fix that dilapidated old wreck than it would to put up a new one!
- Aunt Polly: It won't cost this town one cent! My father donated the building to the town, and I will stand the cost of the pipes or the plumbing or whatever it is that's necessary. It's my duty, and I will not shirk it.
- Mayor Karl Warren: And I suppose there's not one person here who has the gumption to stand up and say what you think? Is there? What about you, Reverend?
- Reverend Paul Ford: No, no, I never take sides in these matters.